Where there is oppression, there is resistance!

Burley 2022-04-18 17:34:53

I remember when I was a child, every year during the New Year's Eve, there would be many troupes in our county's large playground, similar to the ones in the movie! There are bizarre shows, animal shows and so on. Every year, there will be a sea of ​​people there, which cannot be carried. Of course, when I was a kid, I used to go there a lot to spend. With the development of urban construction and the improvement of the audience's taste needs, these folk troupes running everywhere gradually disappeared. Its viewing experience is already inferior to a good movie!
For following Robert Pattinson, follow all his movies! "Elephant Tears" is a literary film from the title. Of course it has to do with animals. Why do elephants cry? We must take this question to find the answer in the film. When the ivory stabbed into the elephant's body, it really cried! We are also reflecting on why we are so cruel to animals. They are all human, and they can get along well with humans! At the end of the film, when all the animals in the circus are released, and they display their natural bestial wildness, we see how much the animals in the cage need freedom! We regret that human beings on this earth have become masters, depriving animals of their talents, restraining their personal freedom, and making them the objects of human viewing in their cages.
This film can't be a good work either in terms of storyline or movie screen. Tell the story of a love triangle through the rise and fall of the circus organization. I always feel that this relationship is so far-fetched, so false, and so meaningless! Among them, the circus owner (Christopher Waltz) said a few words to Jacob (Robert Pattinson) in the film are very representative, attached below for everyone to share: The
world is an endless trick, everyone All tricks. But it takes talent to play well.
Only success is a genuine miracle, and success can wash away all sins.

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Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.