Where did the tears of the elephant go?

Mason 2022-04-18 17:34:53

Because I haven't read the original book, I don't know whether the love between Jacob and Marilyn in the original book really takes up so much space. This movie is called "Elephant Tears". I think it's too far-fetched. I feel like Rosie the Elephant. It's just an irrelevant character in the movie, and I don't see how sad its tears are. The whole play is a vigorous and vulgar love story in pursuit of true love.
I personally like Robert Pattinson very much, but I have to admit that his performance in the movie did not make much breakthrough. He looks too handsome, his face is tough and cold, besides his smile can really fascinate many young fans, he His facial expressions did not bring much surprise to the audience, because no matter what happened in the movie, he always maintained his usual handsomeness, handsome is handsome, but is Jacob in the original book also like this?
The heroine Malena is not as pretty as I imagined, and she always has a feeling of seducing each other all the time when she is with Jacob. The best actress in the circus fell in love with a budding veterinarian. It sounds wonderful, but can this be called "red apricots out of the wall"? I don't know what her feelings for Jacob and August are. There is a scene in which the elephant Rosie refused to obey the command for the first time and fled in the middle of the scene. The moment the elephant rushed out of the greenhouse, Malena grabbed the high pole with both hands and smartly showed her superb circus art to the audience. , her husband laughed, Jacob laughed, the audience laughed, and in that scene, I, who was watching the movie, also laughed. This scene is all that remains of Malena in my mind.
Christopher Waltz's performance is wonderful, much more sophisticated than the hero and heroine. After all, Jiang is still old and spicy. He plays Auguste, the head of the circus, where he is God, his appearance is gentle, even if he is a little old, he still looks healthy, tall, and intelligent, but he also has a fierce and cruel side , can throw employees directly off the train in order to save money, no one can resist him, including his wife.
The cruelty he treated Rossi was actually not outrageous. Which animal in the circus has never been injured? If every animal is held in the palm of his hand and taken good care of, then what kind of circus would be opened and directly An animal circle isn't better!
August is the character that I think played the best role, of course I don't know if he will be more murderous in the book than in the movie. To a large extent, his feelings for Malena are beneficial. Malena is his pillar and his wife. When Malena is gone, it proves that his circus is completely festering. This is called a loss. The lady is fighting again. His wife ran away with his employees, anger is necessary, and it is normal to beat mandarin ducks, any man would do this, right? August's death was inevitable, and it fulfilled the wandering lovers of Jacob and Marilyn.
There are also a lot of lovely characters in the movie, such as Walter the dwarf, the old man Ah Luo, and the old Jacob, I even think they impressed me even more. Walt is a dwarf who likes to read pornographic books. He has a dog named Queenie. He didn't like Jacob at first, but he changed his attitude towards him later. superior. Ah Luo is also a lovely person. He brought Jacob to the circus. He told Jacob about the rules of the troupe. He was an alcoholic, but alcohol was banned in the United States. And in the end, like Walt, he was thrown on a rock and died.
Older Jacob is the best actor I think is the best actor besides August. First of all, in terms of image, the old man is nearly old, neatly dressed, his face is red, his eyes are still clear, and his bow tie makes me very fond of this old man, I think he is an old boy who is not old. When he silently recounted the past, he said that his heart was so painful that he could see that he truly loved his wife Rosie. The tears in his eyes brought tears to my eyes, and his words "she is still beautiful and moving" moved me. It also made my heart tremble.
In the back of the movie, the happy life of Jacob and Malena was played back in front of the audience with black and white clips. For some reason, even if I don't think this movie can be regarded as a wonderful movie, at the end, there is still a feeling of reluctance. I like the look and feel of the film. It has a warm yellow tone, the music is well matched, and many of the shots are OK and beautiful. Overall, it's still worth seeing. However, people who are only loyal to the original book are not recommended to watch it.
For a movie, the box office is the most important thing. The audience buys it. It doesn't hurt if it doesn't conform to the original.

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Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.