
Mortimer 2022-03-23 09:02:27

I think the director wants to create a
savior that everyone wants in their hearts.
Ordinary people, because they have social and moral norms, won't do things that go off the rails. They
don't have cable TV at home, and they won't climb up to the next door to steal them. Although they really want
to be bullied I really want to beat the bully, but I won't burn down the bully's car. Although I really want

to have a lot of things in today's society, there is no right or wrong and justice can
be said

. I've seen it all, the movie is to fulfill the dream that ordinary people can't fulfill,
so this is the movie

Heather saves the family like Jesus
and leaves after he completes the task

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Extended Reading

Hesher quotes

  • Hesher: I pulled this gas tank from an old Chevy. I wanted to blow it up, so I did. What I didn't think about was all the little bits of metal that were going to fly out in every direction. I almost killed myself. I woke up in this hospital and this doctor was like, "Son..." and I said "Don't call me son, you fucking cunt." And he was like, "You blew off your nut." pause I just lost my nut, like that. I went fucking crazy. I assaulted a nurse or a doctor, I don't really remember. I got arrested. I went to juvee. All I could think about was my fucking nut, man. I'm missing a nut. What am I going to do? I had to go looking for it, right? So I busted out of juvee and I went searching. I couldn't find my nut. pause Well, there was this one night I was sitting there and I was taking a shit and I was looking at my balls and I was staring at this little piece of flabby sack where my left nut used to be. And then I saw my right nut for the first time. I was like FUCK MAN, MY NUT! Look I have one, I still have a nut. Right? It's a good nut, it works. God or the fucking devil or whoever the fuck it is you know he left me with one good nut. I still have a fucking nut and it works. And my fucking dick works too. pause Okay, you lost your wife. And you lost your mom. I lost my nut.

  • Nicole: What did I do to deserve this chain reaction of shit all the time?