animal intelligence

Issac 2022-04-18 17:34:53

This is a beautiful story, about animals, about love. Background: In the United States in 1931, the Great Depression, unemployed and homeless people were everywhere. The film is adapted from Sara Gruen's novel of the same name, Water for elephant, and the story takes place in the United States in 1931.

Perhaps influenced by Witherspoon's previous films, it always feels a little out of place when he wears American women's clothing at the beginning of the last century. This elephant is indeed very smart, and it makes people feel that it is not the result of human domestication, but a real intelligent life. My favorite picture is the scene of a steam locomotive blowing smoke in the moonlight. The thick smoke is dyed pale silver by the moonlight, which makes people feel a little unreal.

The film's content and production seem somewhat uneventful, with no obvious flaws and illogicalities, but nothing spectacularly stunning.

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Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.