Love never changes, what changes is our heart.

Yolanda 2022-03-23 09:02:23

If we have to look at the characters in this movie from the perspective of right and wrong, and we have to analyze it from a rational perspective, then I think it is irrational to do so. Because there is no right or wrong in the emotional world, there is no rationality, and it is more mixed with emotional existence. And as you get older and experience more, the way you look at and deal with feelings will also be different from the past. After all, not everyone starts a relationship with the idea of ​​cheating and playing.
When we were little, we were innocent, we thought and waited for the princess and the prince to appear. But look at the people around you, a few are really from the beginning to the end, don't we have to crusade those people who don't have the beginning and the end?
Love itself has never changed, it's always there, waiting for you to discover it.
What changes is ourselves, our hearts. Our yearning for love forces us to make some difficult decisions again and again, and it is the decisions we make time after time that allow us to continue to mature and grow, so that when we really meet him one day, we can love with our hearts.
Although some people make some tough decisions, at least when it's still too late, to end their contracts while they're still married in the film.
There are also many. When you have a family and have children, you still make some difficult decisions. Although this has caused great harm to the family and children, it is even irresponsible. However, I think we still have to be tolerant. attitude to accept it all.

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Something Borrowed quotes

  • Ethan: [about Dex] Oh my God. So when are you gonna tell him? Do you want me to tell him? I would love to tell him.

    Rachel: It's none of your business. I told Darcy to marry him. I'm bowing out.

    Ethan: Rachel, she just told you she's cheating. You want your opportunity, take it.

  • Ethan: I don't really get it. I don't get how you let her win all the time.

    Rachel: Wow.

    Ethan: Oh, no. "Wow" nothing. Because if the tables were turning, you'd think she'd let you win?

    Rachel: Will you stop? What is it with you two? Why do you hate her so much?

    Ethan: What are you talking about? I don't hate her. I hate the fact that you yield at her at every turn.