original sin

Dorris 2022-11-16 06:37:51

I just came home from watching "Ocean", and I turned off the air conditioner and switched to an electric fan with a torment of conscience. In the future, I will only eat domestic animals, eat more vegetables and less meat, ride more bicycles and less drive and fly, and buy necessities reasonably and less. Buying unwanted luxuries so as not to be an accomplice to the accelerated extinction...

not to mention the deep guilt after watching the movie... I don't understand what Christianity means by original sin. But after watching this movie, I saw the helpless staring eyes of marine creatures who are on the verge of survival under the unscrupulousness of human beings to satisfy their own selfish desires... I suddenly realized that maybe this is the original sin of human beings. Like cancer cells on the earth, we continue to multiply and expand to almost every corner of the earth... And every new human life that landed on the earth is destined to be stained with the blood of other species from the moment of birth. .

Sometimes I feel sadly that maybe only after the human cancer cells are completely wiped out can the earth enter a truly balanced ecological environment again... And as a member of the cancer cells, I can't stop this crazy expansion and even myself become One of the accomplices feels pain...

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.