That awesome blue

Kasey 2022-12-10 12:21:58

My colleague said "this movie is like a bunch of computer screensavers edited together". I think it's talking about the finesse of every cinematic shot, and the blue that is so heartwarming to look at.

And I always felt that I belonged to the ocean. During the 80 minutes surrounded by the ocean, I felt so peaceful inside.

I haven't read the migratory birds, nor the diary of the emperor penguin. In addition to questioning the rave reviews, it's more because of the lack of yearning for flying and unknown continents. Whether all water signs love the ocean, I don't know. Some people say that people's attachment to the sea is because the sound of sea tides is very similar to the sound of the amniotic environment in the womb, maybe.

The ocean, near the end of the continents, the end of the rivers - we go to great lengths to explore space, yet know very little about it so close to us. How many lives we have never seen, how many species have climbed up from the sea, and how many species have plunged into the sea to find new opportunities... Our cognition of things is based on human's own system, and dolphins may not themselves be dolphins. , the name dolphin is only meaningful to humans themselves. Perhaps for this reason, the condensed commentary does not name any of the life forms in the picture, leaving them in direct dialogue with the audience. So when we see life we've never seen before -- like that "bacon" swimming in water -- it's so natural to feel its magic.

And those things that seem to be within our cognition also have a side that is beyond our cognition. You know that jellyfish sting people's muscles will numb, but you don't want the atmosphere created by a group of jellyfish in the water to transmit the light on the water surface will be so fantastic; One bite can swallow a seal; you may also think that sharks are mighty and ferocious in the sea, but you may never imagine that it sank to the bottom of the sea in desperation after the part of its body called "shark fin" in the restaurant was removed in a more ferocious way Waiting for death...

we knew nothing, we had nothing. Those sudden flashes of inspiration were not smashed by an apple or come up with a slap on the forehead: the connection between great people and great wisdom, the burst of inspiration, the powerful human cognition and ability, and the expansion of human self-confidence. We were originally so humble, but we thought we could dominate the world. We were so ignorant, but we thought we had infinite wisdom. This is a tragedy that no one expected.

Therefore, in front of the vast ocean, be in awe.

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.