What exactly is marriage?

Jaylin 2022-03-24 09:03:12

Sometimes I want to write something, not in the moment after watching the movie. . . .

Some movies are forgotten after watching. After 5 minutes, they can no longer remember the names and names of the characters. After a day, they can forget the content. And some movies are lingering for a long time after watching, always make you smack your lips when you are free for a while. I am love to me is the latter. Can't get rid of it.

One year, one year of marriage, ups and downs this year. During this year, my heart silently completed a process of near nirvana. As a result, the expression is forgotten. Any feeling that makes me surging like a tidal wave, opening my mouth is just obscure, it is better to keep my mouth shut.

Maybe you will feel the delicacy and luxury of the big family life, maybe you will be shocked by the excitement and pleasure of cheating, maybe you will feel more about the ruthless shopping mall. My worry is that she left her homeland for love and her current husband, changed languages, and forgot her name. After having children for many years, he became her shackles. What is in the middle of a marriage? I have no idea. But I know that running a successful marriage is no easier than running a successful business. It's so hard.

Emma and Antonio, is this accidental or inevitable in a dull marriage. Some people say that Antonio is just a fuse for Emma's break, and there will be others without him. But what if it wasn't for him?

Is it love or lust between Emma and Antonio? Or is there Emma's self-conscious listening and understanding? What do women seek in marriage?

Is marriage a means of getting us out of our loneliness? Or is it just another way to continue being alone?

Is an impure marriage with added value more stable and lasting? Or is a marriage based on pure love more lasting?

In talking with yourself, try to find your own answers.

Marriage is indeed a dance of shackles sometimes, and the shackles aren't really your partner at all. More from your own heart. For some people, it is a clear path ahead, and for some, it is a habit that is difficult to give up. What traps me is the sense of responsibility and morality that I cannot give up. And a little bit of perfectionism. Melting these shackles into flesh and blood is the beauty I pursue.

Every person in a marriage has a balance in his heart. On the left side are morals, habits, responsibilities, obligations, alliances, and affection. On the right are temptation, passion, fall, longing, spirit and flesh. I don't believe in indestructible feelings, it's just that the weight on the right is not heavy enough. One day, certain things will increase the weight here, and the world will be turned upside down.

Antonio weighed down like a heavy weight. Emma's enthusiasm overflowed. In the end, she ran wildly towards her so-called happiness. to get rid of the current difficulties of life. Some say she has found true love, some say she has found happiness, some say she has found herself. But I really think she just changed the world and continued to get lost. In the face of life's subversive choices, her reason was gone. Women with too hot feelings are often let down by what they think they are.

To live on the move requires mutation. There needs to be an impulse. Need to move the world. So I believe in love, but I don't believe in love forever. There is no eternal love, but there is eternal marriage. What does your marriage need to be filled with? The most unreliable woman is the one who fills the marriage with love. Such a woman may seem smart, youthful, pure and beautiful, but she is a bomb. There won't be a single ingredient that fills the bottle of marriage. Need love, responsibility, sex, material, interest. . . Then we hold this bottle to find the most suitable and most suitable partner for us. The most important thing in falling in love is to match your own bottle, but unfortunately many people don't understand it.

Emma and her husband's marital problems are mismatched problems. In other words, it may have been matched at a certain point in time, but in the time of flowing water, individuals are constantly flowing, resulting in the occurrence of mismatching problems. That last sentence that you don't exist makes Tancred put on the hat of ruthlessness. A hot man is like a magazine in my eyes, a little more like a book. It's just that Emma can't read the book. A's honey, B's arsenic. After marriage, the other party becomes a book that you don't want to read and disdain to read. This is really troublesome. But that's exactly the source of how marriages have become so stubborn -- flowing.

I love the shots in this movie, they cut out beautiful pictures. Love the long shot of the raised camera, through the kitchen, through the hallway, and straight ahead. Likes skin-to-skin interspersed with vibrant plants. I like the face of the sculpture that the rain hits like a tearful sculpture. I like the search on the street in the name of chance encounter. Use static objects to insinuate dynamic feelings. There are some complex interpretations here. This is a veritable film review. I strayed again. . . . . .

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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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