Art that only the French can do

Ara 2022-12-12 20:12:06

I haven't cried in a movie theater for a long time. I can't remember which master once said: "Tragedy is to destroy what you think is the most beautiful thing for you to see". And in this film, humans are the culprits.
Jacques presents to us the most beautiful, powerful and mysterious world in the world. Let us experience the joy and life of the ocean from every tail clap of a whale, every leap of a dolphin, and every dive of a seagull. of infinite power. When you see baby whales roaming underwater with their mother whales, and walruses hold their calves upright in the afterglow of the Arctic ice sea, you have to be moved by the beauty and harmony in front of the screen. Although the ocean is full of fighting and hand-to-hand combat, even though you will be suffocated by the cruelty of killer whales biting seals and the thrill of seals escaping from great white sharks, all of this cannot be compared with humans - this kind of at first only An ordinary member of nature, the ruthlessness and cruelty of the arrogant predators who are now standing at the top of the biological chain are on a par. The animal kingdom's life-and-death struggle for needs is far less than the unrestrained killing of human beings for desire. At the beginning of the film, when the fresh life was frozen in the fishing net; when the shark cut off its pectoral and caudal fins, was thrown off the fishing boat, and sank straight to the bottom of the sea; when the whaling gun shot through the whale, causing a huge scream When the dolphin swayed its body for the last time under the harpoon's pursuit, life faced the indifference of human beings and only remained helpless waiting, waiting for death, waiting for destruction.
At the end of the film, when divers get close to and play with marine animals, they show a friendly and unfamiliar look. The friendliness comes from the fact that humans, like them, are just an ordinary member of this nature; unfamiliar, because we break in as a brand new species. the area they are familiar with. In the end, when the divers swim side by side with a great white shark—harmony—is the only hope and lingering warmth left by the tragedy.
As an intelligent life that can understand the universe, human beings have not learned to respect every life on this earth, let alone share that common love and warmth with them.
The reason why it is said that only the French can produce this kind of film may be because of their understanding of music, nature, human nature, and dramatic conflict. Although it is a documentary, it has the intriguing richness and complexity of works of art. All in all, it's a masterpiece! Definitely worth getting the sound and picture quality to watch in the big theater!

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Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.