"Ocean": Encountering the mighty power of God

Janiya 2022-11-28 22:59:48

When I watch "Ocean", I feel like I'm in a church.

I am not religious. Believe nothing. (One more thing, there is nothing to be proud of in this statement. I want to believe it. But I can't find it, or I haven't found it yet.) It's just a metaphor.

"Ocean" is about the sea. Mysterious, uncertain, unknown sea. The sea has always been part of God. Long, long ago, when we were still in awe and fear, the sea, together with the sky, and the earth, gave birth to the god in our minds—a part of the divinity, it is from its unknowable.
But that was a long time ago. God is withdrawing from our lives little by little as science is flourishing. In other words, we are treating ourselves as gods.
At one point we thought that was the right thing to do. Material thing. Humans are victorious. It was not until a long time, until we paid a heavy price, that we just began to realize that science has its limitations, and people have their limitations, and humility and awe may be more important than we think.
So some people began to shout: protect the environment, protect the ocean.
Of course. But chanting is always easy, regaining humility and awe is hard. And, "protect"? Are we eligible for this?
Oceans also mentions conservation. It doesn't matter whether you accept it, or resent it for preaching. The shocking place of "Ocean" is not here, but - its piety, its miraculous faith in nature. It is this piety that gives the film a sacred and clean air similar to divinity, allowing it to transcend the wilderness of reality and rest on the mountain of spirituality that we can only occasionally glimpse. This classical, yet unswerving grand power is integrated and permeated in every shot of "Ocean". It's the force that drives us to be quiet, to get out of our impetuosity—at least temporarily—to sit in front of the screen, to listen to the sea of ​​strangers but supposed to be our old friends, to speak of themselves.
Yes, no need to solve it. Excessive solution will distort the truth and destroy its original naturalness and muddiness. Besides, even one person can't fully understand another person, let alone another world that can't speak to us, or even is silent at all?
Sometimes, listening is enough.
You don't even need to hear it at all.
It's like... we go quiet and listen to a wonderful song from a foreign country. We can completely not understand the meaning of every character in the chant, but we will still be deeply moved. As Buddhists have long pointed out: the transmission of the spirit can never be "without words".
The charm of "Ocean" lies not only in the shocking audio-visual effects created with a huge investment of 50 million euros, or the huge hardships the photographers have paid in this process, but more from behind the images. The creator's humility and respect for the unknown world of the ocean. Slogans can be learned, but the attitude towards life and the world is the most authentic language in a work. "Ocean" really treats the sea as a miracle. In front of it, he sincerely retains his awe and humility. It does not force ignorance, does not forcefully interpret the beautiful or ugly movement trajectories of the creatures living in the ocean, it just gets close to them and takes pictures of their pureness; it is so simple that it exists in them, but we may There is no chance to get the kind of return to the original, the thing and I forget. It pushes the world in front of you in majestic, beautiful, or thrilling camera language, making you tremble with the mighty power of God:
"God! The world is like this! "

I'm not religious. Believe nothing. But maybe because of this, if there is a movie that can give it its power, make it sacred, sublime, and beautiful...Let me believe that even for a minute, I will be very moved, thank you very much...

Thank you "Ocean".

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.