Cherish life, stay away from human beings

Justina 2022-09-16 01:41:08

No matter how powerful, free and wonderful creatures are, they are destined to be destroyed when they encounter stupid humans and greed among humans. Like sharks. It is the king of the ocean kingdom, with an amazingly huge body and rare agility. After encountering an ugly fishing net, there is only tragedy waiting for it.
The few humans in the movie have an oriental face, everything is routine, and their indifferent faces are expressionless. They took the big black smoke and invaded the ocean. They threw huge artificial fishing nets and dragged one free life out of the embrace of the ocean. Then they cut off its tail—its wings, and they only saw what they cared about, and a shark without fins was worthless, so they threw the body back into the water like trash.
So that "body", like the man whose arms and legs were cut off, was terrifying and desperate and pale. He can no longer swim around, no longer flap on the water, no longer let the little fish travel on its wings. He could only sink slowly, with terrifying scars and another crime committed by humans, to the bottom of the sea, becoming food for other creatures, and then turning into sand.
Everyone and every fish will die and turn into sand, but not in this way. People can die of old age or sickness, but they can't die inexplicably in a motor car, nor can they die by drinking milk powder for no reason. So are fish. He can be stranded on the beach, or encountered a stormy sea, or even the destruction of the earth in 2012, but he cannot be destroyed by another creature in such a cruel way, and the reason is only - desire.
Human desires made them build stone forests - cities, which are full of desires. These desires manifest as consumerism, as gluttony. They need more. More clothes, more food, more electronics, more ways to have sex... The result is garbage, garbage, garbage.
They not only destroyed their own world, but also stretched their claws to another world - the ocean. They drilled black gold - oil from the bottom of the sea, they shipped it back to the land world and sold it to motorists, and the black blood of the sea turned into a puff of black smoke with the roar of the engine, and stayed in the nostrils of other humans. Under the pungent smell. They would even be stupid enough to overturn the ship, and the ocean, the heavenly pure ocean, turned into hell. Sea lions cannot escape, all fish cannot escape, not even seabirds in the sky. So the once-vibrant world became a black and disgusting tomb.
If one day, human ingenuity is more advanced, and finally the ocean is completely conquered, just as they conquered the land, it will be the death of the ocean. At that time, human beings must not live long, and the whole earth has become a cemetery in space. If there is a truly wise man at that time, he is the last human being, and he will write such an epitaph on the ocean - buried here are the freest creatures in the world.
If the degree of freedom is used to evaluate the level of a species, then human beings are undoubtedly the lowest. Regarding freedom, nothing can stop man from going to space, nothing can stop man from ascending the highest mountain on earth, nothing can stop man from creating a virtual world, and nothing can stop man from stepping on two levels of the earth, all the time It is the human beings themselves that stop human beings.
"You ask me where I'm going, and I point in the direction of the sea." Maybe one day, no one will ever sing a song like this again.

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.