be brave

Madisen 2022-09-25 02:11:23

who am I?
I believe that many people have asked themselves this question, but not everyone has found the answer, or has found the answer vaguely and dare not face themselves.
In society, we place too much importance on the social coat on our body, and we see things from the perspective of society too often, that we see ourselves.
We choose to live in groups, and weave a network of relationships in densely crowded places. It’s just that two ends of a rope are tied to a pair. We affect others, and others also affect me. The so-called pull one hair and move the whole body, so there is something -- people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

Really involuntarily?
No, it's just that in the face of his own powerful social attributes, he can't bravely tear off the shackles, but choose to surrender and go with the flow.

is not stupidly doing what others dare not do
, but doing something that should be done but no one is doing

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That's What I Am quotes

  • Norman Grunmeyer: If I had Big G's body, I'd have kicked Freel's ass! Then I'd have kicked Ricky Brown's ass just to cool down.

  • Mr. Clear: You know, it's funny, I... I've been watching you deliver your papers there and, uh... You've got a hell of an arm, by the way, kid.

    Andy Nichol: Thank you.

    Mr. Clear: But somehow you just seem to hit everybody's porch but mine. You got any theories on that?