"Water of Elephant" doesn't have to be an elephant's tears, can it be an elephant's saliva?

Daphney 2022-04-18 17:34:53

This is the beginning of the shit.

If you want to watch this movie well. . . So, please don't continue to read this bloody text.

By the way, I rarely write reviews like this. In other words, I haven't written anything. Speaking of which, I knew that this was the beginning of bloody shit before I even started, so I planned to finish writing consciously squatting in the corner.

Tears of an Elephant is a book I've been dying to read a long time ago. But always because of various excuses, I didn't watch it after all. I fell in love with Pushkin two days ago, so I took a copy of "Elephant Tears" when I bought the book. I happened to find out yesterday that it has been made into a movie, and it is still starring Robert, whom I am obsessed with. So, I couldn't help but wait for the book to arrive. I watched this bloody movie.

Do I need to introduce the book?

The legendary book is based on the background of the protagonist's life in the circus during the depression period in the United States, and describes the various characters living in the circus during those difficult times, but living in the virtual prosperity and beauty of the circus. Yet the tragic fate of the little man is in stark contrast here. They are vivid and vivid in the author's pen, of course, they also died silently in the movie.

Now, let's leave the books behind and go to the world of movies.

This is the story of one man poking the heart of another man.

This is the story of a girl who often shows her loyalty to her husband while molesting another man behind her back.

This is the story of a heartbroken man who rises up to unite (could it be better to use collusion) and a girl kills her real husband.

Do you understand now? This is the history of blood and tears of a real mistress who turned herself into the master. . .

Well I admit that my dear Robert is under inhuman threats, the thrill of watching his beloved girl wink at himself in someone else's arms every day, and he beat my elephant and kill my friend Pain, turning over and resisting should be right, right? . .

but! Your portrayal of the villain is a failure, dear!

Seeing this, I suddenly understood that the boss in the original book should be a tyrannical character~ A doomed and cruel master who doesn't treat people as human beings and does his life for money~ So the protagonist rose up and resisted after receiving all kinds of stimuli, and finally Turned over to be the master, and along the way, got the love that he deserved.

But. . .

Girl, do you think you are great for love? You are completely full and can survive, and then you are not satisfied and want to love. . . You are blatant betrayal, not brave. . And why do you love the main foot? ? ? His kindness is not obvious. . . His intention is that you are very obvious. . . .

The Boss, August, is very helpless, okay? . . All his crazy moves are justified, okay? . . His bad temper and distorted personality are also forced by life. . . Although he was cruel to animals, some of what he said was quite reasonable. Hey, people will always change in abnormal environments. . .

Robert, let's go back and play vampires. . . bella is young and beautiful and suitable for you right. . . Jacob (the protagonist's name is not a werewolf, oh dear) is not the role for you. . . You don't feel his pain, dear. . . I can't get free shipping, dear. . .

In the end, the best part of the film is a good ending, that is, the good guy defeated the bad guy and lived happily together.

At this tangled moment, the courier called me and my book came.

I was wondering if I should go through it and rehabilitate the book in two days? ?

To be honest, I rarely write that a movie is bad or bad. .

Because I am lazy to write movie reviews for many movies that make me feel infinite, then I have no time to write about bad movies. Today, one is that I haven't written for a long time and feel so guilty that I despise myself. . The second is that the gap is too great. . . I've been looking forward to the book for a long time. . . What am I going to do now. . . The third is that I am really infatuated with Robert. . . Well, handsome guys are my hobby. . . Well I've always had a crush on all kinds of handsome guys in movies. . .

Is this the first piece of Zhang Short's bloody film review, the movie is bloody enough. . The movie reviews are bloody enough. . Oh hahaha~~~~~~

I'd rather write "Children from a Distant Planet" tomorrow. . . Squatted in the corner. . .

Zhang Short wrote on 2011-08-07

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Water for Elephants quotes

  • Camel: Come on. I gotcha some work.

    Jacob: With animals?

    Camel: Oh, you betcha...

    Jacob: [now shoveling in a train car with flies buzzing] I've never seen so much manure.

    Wade: They pack 'em in 27 a car.

  • Jacob: [after scarey incident feeding the lion] You think that's funny?

    August: [laughing] Yes, I do.

    Jacob: I could have lost my arm!

    August: No, you couldn't have. He doesn't have any teeth.