Old theme, beautiful interpretation

Mikel 2022-03-24 09:03:12

"I Am Love" unfolds slowly with a slow rhythm and beautiful pictures. In fact, it is another interpretation of "Nara's Runaway". The difference is that Emma's runaway is more vivid and rich due to the awakening of love and sex. Infectivity.
Emma has a secret love with Antonio because of food, the liberation of sexuality obtained by being one with Antonio, the awakening of love from the liberation of sex, and the realization of self because of the awakening of love.
In the final scene of the film, Emma's departure has a strong symbolic meaning. She takes off her fancy clothes and puts on a sports casual dress and goes barefoot. I think she is not simply running for a lover, but for her own life.
It is worth mentioning that in the film, the passionate scenes of Emma and Antonio in the mountains are very beautiful. The perfect combination of music and pictures truly reflects the unity of spirit and flesh.

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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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