innocence and madness

Kathryne 2022-03-23 09:02:54

I think it's a simple movie. There are very few simple movies now. The content of the movies is various, but it is always impossible to make a pure thing move the heart. But when I watched this movie, my thoughts were: Simple!
Simplicity is a quality, just like we always pursue the purity of various substances, life may be better if it can be simpler. After reading all kinds of movie reviews, the most popular movie review that praised and praised this movie did not impress me. While I think it's a good film, the fact that the reviewer's unreserved exposure of the film's flaws doesn't make me feel offended by the conflict of opinion. The film review said it very well: the theme of the film is outdated, nothing more than dreams and family; from a professional point of view, some details of the shooting and the handling of the plot also have various imperfections; the theme is too idealized and lost grounded in reality. These comments made me feel to the point, but after reading his comments, I felt that the simplicity in this movie was likable.
The father is simple, he pursues his dreams without any scruples, and it is not a big deal to go bankrupt. It's just so crazy and hot. Father is crazy because of its pure pursuit. And the whole movie is like a fairy tale, even if the ending is not happy, I don't feel sentimental. Because this is a fairy tale, death in a fairy tale is just a state, and more important than death is a dream. That's what makes the movie pure. In fact, the design of this film about the treasure hunt of dreams seems to have shown to the audience: it is not necessary to take it seriously, it is a fairy tale, just a fairy tale.
In this case, fairy tales should be beautiful and simple. Therefore, the protagonist will eventually fulfill his dream. But in the end he left to pursue his dream. It seems that this movie is not a pure fairy tale. It's just the most simple and crazy fairy tale in real life. After the fairy tale is over, we still have to return to reality. There are many good things in the movie, but we still have to return to reality after all. At the end of the film, a few Chinese stowaways went ashore like swimming, revelling in order to finally reach their dream land. But why would they risk their lives to flee from their hometowns? "For this dream". That's what I thought at first, because it fits the theme. But is the dream in California, in America, in developed countries? Dreams should be able to grow anywhere, why come here? Having said that, I don't think I need to say more. Because reality is cruel and inhuman after all, so there are always people who want to go to a place full of dreams and gold, so they don't have to face cruelty, and dreams can take root and sprout. Some people say that this ending design is contempt for China. Did the director specially design the scene of Chinese stowaways to vent his resentment towards the stowaways? Still don't have to be so indignant, the reality is so, it's useless not to admit it.
Let's look at the name of the movie, "The King of California". When I first saw it, I thought of "The Lion King" and called it the king. It just shows that this is just a beautiful fairy tale. Back in reality, his daughter still has to face a harsh boss and a difficult life. Could it be that the gold from the treasure hunt he left behind can make his daughter a good life for the rest of her life? If you think of it as a children's book, it's probably like this, "Have lived a happy and beautiful life since then." In fact, what he left to his daughter was pure and crazy capital. Gold can't save people from reality, but the mind can make people have a fairy tale mood for the time being. That's all he got for his daughter all his life.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.