Live like Zhu children

Corene 2022-04-20 09:01:44

Julia Child, a famous American chef. The movie "Julie & Julia" tells the story of a young girl named Julie who learns cooking and life from celebrity chef Julia. In the alternate story of the love and career of two women, I am also fascinated by the charismatic Julia like Julie in the movie. The shock and inspiration that this female-themed film brings to me may not be well understood by other people, especially men. I seem to have been baptized once, and my attitudes about cooking, marriage, and life have changed. It is no exaggeration to say that I think this movie is a perfect example of my life.

Julia in the movie is already a somewhat old aunt, with a fat body but still charming curves, even more charming than a young and thin body. Everyone likes elegant people, but I prefer real and enthusiastic people, so when the elegant woman Julia, who wears beautiful clothes and a delicate little hat at parties and dates, is in the vegetable market with the vegetable vendor When it comes to communicating happily and enthusiastically; when she lovingly cooks for her husband in the kitchen in high heels and a pearl necklace, I am a fan of her. For Julia, going to the market is more interesting than going to the fashion store.

Julia's love of life seems to be innate, but I know it's actually thanks to her husband, who is shorter than her, not handsome, and doesn't make a big splash in the movies. A good marriage can make two people, and a bad marriage can destroy two people. Julia's marriage is perfect in my opinion (maybe because I don't have children, it fits my ideal), Julia's husband Paul has always supported her, learning to make hats, learn bridge, learn to cook, he is always unconditional support and encouragement She, I think this is very commendable, most people are lukewarm or pour cold water.

Paul's love is perfect and great, but when you think about it, everything is normal and ordinary, he just loves her. Paul is not just a husband who has the financial strength to let his wife enjoy life without worries. His support and encouragement to Julia is because of his deep understanding, recognition and complete trust in his wife. His love is deep and hot, and the two people who are over fifty years old enjoy a glue-like love. Paul wrote to his brother: Dear Charles: Julia at the stove is still a charm to me, like a drummer in a symphony orchestra. The oven door opens and closes quickly, and you barely notice her deftly sticking the spoon into the pot and sipping it to her lips, like a well-timed double-tap on a drum. Then, with bare hands, she pulled out a taco from the boiling water, and she yelled "These damn things are as hot as a hard dick!"... In the eyes of her lover, Julia was extraordinarily cute and beautiful.

Julia's grace, her love for life, her love for herself, and her love for marriage and family shocked me. The ignorant I seemed to realize for the first time that the charm of a woman is not superficially based on a thin body. To be an attractive woman, you shouldn't just start by asking for weight. You don't have to wait until you lose 85 pounds before you can be attractive and confident. You should look at yourself correctly and objectively, recognize such yourself from the heart, love yourself, make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and remind yourself to be an elegant and beautiful woman at all times. Even if the years take away youth, leaving wrinkles and a fat body, you can still dress beautifully and live beautifully! Then find a man who can understand you, trust you, love you wholeheartedly, support your ideals, and who you can treat as a man like him to spend a warm and happy life together and live like Zhu Children.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.