Saints: Is it worth continuing?

Kailyn 2022-04-19 08:01:03

Obviously, the producers laid the groundwork for its sequel, because the queen of vampires never appeared, and the hysteria and evocative face of the church will continue the story.

I originally thought that this vampire film would stand on the side of vampires like "Twilight", but it is a very orthodox human first chapter. Fortunately, there are justice and injustice in the human camp.

And the phrase "to rebel against the church is to rebel against God" is a core of the whole play. Like many people in power, the church is always using lies to deceive ordinary people. Every country is, no matter how democratic and free a country is, there will always be some secrets emerging. The people don't know it now, and they still don't know it when the day comes. However, whether knowing the truth is a good thing or a bad thing, it may not be possible, but people always have the right to know the truth. After knowing the truth, people's judgment and handling are another matter.

A lot of lies are told so many times that sometimes they even think they are true. To deceive others, and to deceive yourself. If you can't face reality bravely, killings will begin and wars will break out. Nothing can be undone.

Outside the city, a train full of vampires is heading for the self-proclaimed safe castle, while the people in the city are still sitting there talking and thinking that Lao Tzu is invincible. This is a scene full of irony. The warriors who fought off the vampires were "traitors" who were not tolerated by the church in the city. Even as witch hunters threw the vampire's head on the pulpit, those in power were reluctant to acknowledge the predicament they faced.

People with power in their hands, even if they lose their own power, still refuse to face reality, and force others not to face it, everyone knows how stupid this is.

Here, it is impossible to tell which is the movie and which is the reality.

In addition, the plot is very simple, the fights are bloody, and Li Meiqi is not bad, but in general, it is just an ordinary commercial film.

Are you really going to continue the episode?

I don't think so.

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Priest quotes

  • Black Hat: The church teaches us that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And that since vampire evolved without eyes, it is a soulless creature, to be eradicated. And I have seen the soul of the vampire, and let me tell you that it is far more pure than that of any man. Now you ask me what I am. I am the bringer of the tide. I am the wave that will wash clean this unclean world. And you, and your Priest, will help me do it.

  • Priest: Is this the world I fought for?

    Monsignor Chamberlain: No, but it's the only world we have.