In fact, there is a feeling of watching "The Insider"

Marcellus 2022-03-23 09:02:01

The translation of the Chinese name is really incomprehensible, it cannot imply the content of the film at all, and it is not good for the reputation of the film. The real title is Unthinkable, which is unthinkable and has a pejorative connotation compared to Incredible.

The film quickly gets to the point: the terrorist suspects buried nuclear bombs in three cities in the United States and deliberately threw themselves into the net. The US military and government naturally want to learn about the nuclear bombs from their mouths. The question is, should we use torture to extract confessions? Although it is illegal to extract confessions by torture, from a personal point of view, for the safety of thousands of people, torture can be used to extract confessions from terrorist suspects with heinous crimes. This is also the reality of the United States: the citizens' concerns about their own safety and fear of terrorism have acquiesced and condoned the government and the military's torture of terrorist suspects to extract confessions. To know that terrorist suspects are not necessarily terrorists, many of them are innocent, but they have also been humiliated and punished. Americans have always turned a blind eye to this.

Even though most of us support the torture of terrorists (because they are "sinners") emotionally and rationally, terrorists are undoubtedly people with firm beliefs, and torture may not be able to force them to submit. Is it possible to torture his wife and children to confess at this time? Wife and children are definitely innocent, I think most people can't accept it emotionally at this time. But what to do with the lives of millions of people lying there? Is the life of innocent wives and children cheaper than the lives of thousands of innocent people? Even if the interrogators may disagree on this, it is very likely that this issue of life and dignity will become a matter of arithmetic under the strong pressure of the lives of millions of people.

In this film, Samuel L. Jackson portrays a ruthless and brutal torture expert. In terms of aura and momentum, he did it, but maybe based on political considerations, although he tortured the suspect a lot in this film, he has been educated on terrorism like "Red Rock" or "Black Sun 731" since he was a child. We do not necessarily feel that these punishments are so extreme. The creators of American political movies still lack imagination in this regard, and they should contact the creators of horror movies to co-create. Of course, Samuel Jackson's behavior and tactics exceeded my expectations from the appearance of the prisoner's wife, completing his image as an expert in extorting confessions, and from here onwards, the film became more and more tense.

Carrie Ann Moss, the heroine of "The Matrix", played the role of a female FBI police officer, but in the end, under strong pressure, she ignored the so-called conventions and human rights, and finally even surpassed Samuel L. Jackson. Be anxious. The film focuses on depicting her process of change. As for the tortured person, the creators deliberately chose a typical white American in order to arouse the reflection of the American audience, implying that under the so-called anti-terrorism banner, every American may be subject to such persecution.

However, in the process of watching this film, I had a feeling similar to watching "The Insider": the reflections and paradoxes of these Americans are a joke in our country. They also have the purpose of counter-terrorism and the cause of conflict with the lives of tens of millions of people. In our country, people who are not harmful to national security and social security often "push up", "hide the cat", "bath to die", "1 piece" Money opened handcuffs to commit suicide" and so on. Therefore, when you think of the national conditions, watching this movie again will seem very helpless and ridiculous. Who made us the most inhuman and cruel ethnic group in the world since Xia Jie and Shang Zhou, until the ten years of torture and even ten years of catastrophe in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Woolen cloth.

WeChat public account: feidududu watching movies (feidudumovie)

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Unthinkable quotes

  • Agent Helen Brody: H, they're children, innocent children!

    H: There are no innocent children! Not his children anyway.

  • [last lines]

    General Paulson: This never happened. They never existed. Younger, the children, none of them.