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Pasquale 2022-04-24 07:01:14

- "Frida" Watching Notes
BY Fan

Xiaoe The difference between people is not that you can learn by watching too much, so it is useless for you to envy others, maybe it is for others' sake. Your mediocre aptitude is still blaming others. If you can't reach it, you can't reach it, and it's useless to stop. So love begets hate. Jealousy mostly comes like this.
When I wrote the above sentence, I had just wiped my tears, gnashing my teeth in love and hatred of a Mexican female painter who had long passed away. Well, if you love a little art, read a little, watch a little movie, you should know who I'm talking about.

I think I'm still right.
Since the last personal film review submission, which was like chewing wax, it was like entering a dormant period, and I began to chaotically and deliberately only read and did not write. I tried to be reborn, like a molting butterfly, so that I would no longer stay on the surface.
I don't know how long this process has been brewing, and there is a faint thunder from a distance: Maybe I make you mediocre. --mediocre? ! Terrible word. So who can tell me who is genius and who is mediocre in this world?

I don't know what's the difference between hibernation and zhejing, is it because one is too cold and the other is too hot? I've also been trying to pull out my soul to have a conversation about whether I've really fallen. Maybe I should ask the goddess of truth, does love really make a normal woman a dull woman? Or, can love turn a dull woman into a sharp woman? Can it be so clearly blamed on one love and one hate?
I threw myself into sleep, a seemingly endless darkness. Among them, I struggled to open my eyes and stood up, but everything was a dream, I was still lying, like a freeze frame in a certain movie, I smiled and looked at myself lying on the bed like a corpse, and then shouted burn yourself.

"Burn it!"
Yes, I almost lost my mind and died from seeing Frida on the screen.

The source of crying is mixed with too many personal factors, such as meeting hate late, sympathy and pity, admiration and admiration, "hate is boundless but love is boundless", there is self-compassion, and there is "hard thinking and nowhere to find". Painful memories of marriage, and marriage... Before it was like Lin Huiyin said: "It's love / It's kiss / It's hope", and then it's: "It's sin / It's pain / It's burden".
These paired descriptions become emotionless because they are just one description. Just like a jigsaw puzzle, only one result is put together; like Frida’s spliced ​​life after the car accident, but it created a decisive love-hate journey for a generation of artists, and only he can understand the taste.
However, there is a truth that the Goddess of Truth told me when I was chaotic: everything moved is because it involves self.

The love, hatred, hatred, and turbulent waves on the screen are all images of living beings from the outside world. Even if they are whimsical, they are just other people's exhibitions. Only when it touches a certain point in your nerve endings about your past about yourself will you laugh and cry.

We are not so eager to be who and what, what to do, how to achieve, we are true to ourselves, we are always alone and can never be redeemed.
- This is what I read in Frida's unspoken eyes.
So I cried.
This reminds me of one day in November 2004. I just bought Frida's picture album and biography at the art gallery. The next day I was in the hospital. people.
This half-month-long white life, against the white background of the ward, leaned hard on the bedside, reading page by page the extraordinary life of this disabled woman like a puzzle. As long as a lifetime.
She said it hurts every day. She said that one day when the pain is gone, she will definitely feel uncomfortable. But it's strange, when I read the text and the pictures, the one who should be crying the most, was unable to get up to go to the toilet by myself in the middle of the night, so I called the nurse a few times to no avail. After a few useless tears, I couldn't squeeze it out again. Half a tear. But now, after looking for it for nearly a year, I finally got my wish and saw the movie, but I always burst into tears because of several paintings of Frida's large freeze-frame pictures that fit the situation.
Later, when I asked the Goddess of Truth, if memories always had a sad color, the Goddess of Truth said that it was just self-deception.

In fact, there is never a real past, only a fleeting present.
That's the beauty of movies.

It started with 46-year-old Frida wearing the iconic red Mexican costume and being carried to the bed for the first time in her life and the only art exhibition she participated in, using flashbacks from being deliberately drawn with an eyebrow. Salma Hayek's stoic face, switched to the face of 18-year-old Frida, the short-haired Salma Hayek. The former is suffering and strong, the latter is wild and joyful; the former is the peak of glory but it is too late, the latter is the starting point of life's suffering but also the beginning of artistic life. It cannot be said that the 18-year-old car accident made Frida, but it can only be said that fate entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, like a painful and long pregnancy reaction. The last pain did not give birth to a child, but a legend was born.
The 18-year-old Frida is still a complete Frida, immersed in the passion of her first love, and she hardly thinks much about the future, even Diego Rivera, who was also the leading figure in the painting circle at that time, was also her later life. The first face-to-face contact also ended with a mischievous ending. It's just destined, it's destined, isn't God's arrangement not big enough? The Mexicans ate too much chili, and a car accident was abrupt. For no reason, the bus hit the wall and was cut in the middle. Frida was nailed to the bottom of the car like a crucifixion of Jesus. And this thorn-like armrest pierced her entire vagina and pierced her chastity. It also caused her infertility.
Metaphor or irony, the broken spine is connected with such and other fractures. When she woke up from the operating table, Frieda had completed a puzzle and became a Buddha bound in plaster.
The Chinese say that the Buddha used his own suffering to atone for the sins of the world, saying, "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?" When you arrive in the West, God has closed the door and opened the window for you. Frida, like a regenerated grass, now finds another sky of painting on the plaster. It's just that whether she started painting a certain part of her body, or later her family members, she always painted a world that unfolded centered on herself.
After standing up like this, she went to see Diego with a subtle world of herself. Just like in his speech at Frida's first painting exhibition, Diego, who was also old, said that Frida asked her to go down to see the painting, so he went down, and he has watched her for the rest of his life.

Regarding this woman who was rumored to be bisexual, drugged, alcoholic, smoked, and rude, but still no one could resist her charm. Regarding her subsequent comments, it was either a reward or an accusation with obvious jealousy, but there was no sarcasm. Moved to the screen, less confusion, and aggravated the description of the love with Diego. Even in the efforts and climbs of her own artistic achievements, there are very few depictions, as if it is just the mental journey of an ordinary woman with rich experience. Presumably this is what sets this film apart from other artist films, appearing not so lofty, but almost speaking in a humble way to rest in peace.

Frida and Diego's love is mainly focused on three paragraphs. The way each scene is expressed is heartbreaking.
The first paragraph: one willing to fight, one willing to suffer
Diego , like Frida, is also a controversial figure. He was a generation of Mexican muralists, brilliant, and then a member of the Mexican Communist Party, but extravagant and self-righteous, and heavy and fat, like a work by Rabelais. But such an elephant man is like magic. As Frida said, "As long as women who are not too scary and not fat, can be captured by them and have a relationship with them." The answer from Diego's second wife in the movie is that Diego's rich charisma lies in being able to "compliment a woman's flaws into works of art", and it is sincere from the heart, which happens to be the The greatest weakness of all women. Then Frida was doomed after letting Diego go down the stairs to see the painting start. It's just that this affair with Diego is different from the past. He met a woman who was shocked and admired from the beginning, and the blood of this woman whose contrast was as small as a pigeon was also the madness that Diego couldn't match. . The contradiction between the wildness and the pain that accompanied Frida every minute and every second is like the vast desert on the outskirts of Mexico, full of irresistible temptations.
The climax of the episode is when Diego proposes to Frida. Diego said we should get married, but he couldn't be single other than loyal. Diggo said he had sex with other women as a biological necessity, no different from brushing his teeth.
This is different from "Love in Prague" adapted from "The Unbearable Lightness of Life", although Thomas, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, has similar behavior and said similar words: sleeping with other women is like eating and sleeping, Nothing special. But they are still different in their essential starting points. In comparison, Diego is more primitive. His own character is extravagant, with the passion in Mexican blood, like a Latin dance; The great sense of mission in the Czech Republic and even in Europe is rooted in the sad blood of thinking too much about life, which makes it even more depressed. This kind of derailment is more like dispatching depression, just like a European symphony with rich meanings.
Frida married Diego willingly and happily.
Perhaps it was one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer, perhaps it was this profound union that collided the artistic achievements of the two people, and perhaps it was the collision of Frida's whole life.

The second paragraph: The farthest distance in the world
Since Tagore wrote "The Farthest Distance in the World", the wonderful words were later sung by Qi Yu as "Fish and Birds", and written by Zhang Xiaoxian "The farthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth" It's not that life and death are separated, but that I'm by your side but you don't know that I love you", which was also turned into a closing sign by "The Great Sage of Love": "The farthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you, and you don't know I love you, but clearly love each other, but can't be together." In the love world of Frida and Diego, but obviously back to Tagore's original work: "The farthest distance in the world is not to love each other, but not to be together. Being together, but knowing that true love is invincible, but pretending not to care at all and not taking you to heart."
After many twists and turns, after seeing the naked scene where his own sister and Diego got together, Frida resolutely locked any entrance to the red and blue building connected by the two overpasses. She cut off her hair in the room like she was in confinement, trying to cut off any love thread with Diego. Later, this scene was turned into a sad painting, and Frida in a suit was like a man, setting off the broken hair all over the floor.
The wound opens at this point.
In fact, the hurt is always there, as Diego himself later wrote in his autobiography, "If I love a woman, the more I love her, the more I want to hurt her. Frida is the only and most obvious example of this bad behavior. victims.” So when Frida became pregnant unexpectedly while she was in the United States and eventually lost her baby, everything started to feel like a traumatic, life-threatening trauma for her.
In fact, since Frieda became Diego's third wife, she knew that Diego didn't belong to anyone, but as such a woman, how could she be satisfied with this? In addition to the physical pain, she was in torment all the time. The unexpected pregnancy became her sudden spiritual hope. At that time, she was full of longing and sustenance like any woman who longed to be a mother. When all is broken, she is like a plant that gradually loses its nutrients and begins to decay, decline and shrink. At this point, my heart was also broken.
The so-called love is endless love and endless hate, and when Diego stood outside the glass door of Frida's little pink house and knocked on the glass and said I was a beast, Frida's face was calm. It's a terrified soul, she told Digg word for word, "I have had two major accidents in my life, one with a car accident and one with you".
Since then, Frida moved out of the two dependent houses, with her monkey. Either she doesn't want to be an appendage to her husband anymore, or she's being forced or pretending to be truly independent anyway, or she's trying to stay away from those hurts, and the relationship between her and Diego begins. In the cold war period of "knowing that true love is invincible, but pretending not to care at all and not taking you in my heart". During this period, her chaotic life, which was chaotic and buried painfully cathartic, also reached its peak.

Section 3: Redemption
When Diego came back, Frida's physical condition had deteriorated due to the uncontrolled life of tobacco, alcohol and indulgence. Her feet also began to die, and even one foot was sawed off when there was no way to do it. toe. Even Frida was about to start putting the cast back on. Diego was old, and in the changing tide of the revolution, he also gradually lost his passion. Diego walked up to Frida and said I came to propose to you.
It's a heartwarming episode. At that time, Frida's condition had already affected the liver, she lost half of her foot, she was wearing a plaster cast again, and she needed Durendin all the time for pain relief, so she looked into Diego's eyes and said with the pain of a deer in her "Injured Deer" , I don't need to be redeemed. But Diego laughed, and he looked at Frida softly and firmly, saying, "I need it."
Although the word redemption is too religious and too large to be true, Frida is put back in plaster and becomes a Buddha again. This time, whether she threw the pot in anger or cried, Diego was patiently accompanied by her side. So in the end, the two still depended on each other for life.
Perhaps this is the highest state of spiritual love. The pleasure of the body will eventually be saturated, and there is only a steady stream of spiritual support.

Salma Hayek's Mexican dress is quite similar to Frida herself. As for whether it is similar, you can see that this hot Mexican beauty who is used to playing the role of a vase has done her homework this time. It is a tribute to Frida, and I want to bring myself to the powerful camp through the brilliance of this national heroine-like figure. Even Hollywood first-line stars like Antonio Banderas are willing to play tricks, not to mention that Edward Norton is only a small supporting role. Frida's charm has never been affected by time and national boundaries. Everyone is paying tribute to her.

The 2002 film, even today, does not feel that time has passed and its charm has been lost. Although people keep saying how ambitious this biopic is, I think that Julie Taymor, the director who made this film, died of madness because of this disabled woman like a puzzle piece.
The film technique is a combination of surreal and montage, painting and reality, which is amazingly perfect.
Postmodern Skull and Skeleton Conference during the operation, paper-cut collage art when visiting the United States, "King Kong Diego" in the United States making a riot at the Empire State Building, and "King Kong Diego" declining from the Empire State Building after the failure of the murals in the United States and being smashed The surrealism of the film all reflects the director's love for Frida and his passion and inspiration. As for the combination of painting and reality, it is much more beautiful and poetic: a tragic slow-motion car accident, a wedding that walked off the screen, a window with snow in New York, and Frida's long dress floating on the window . Cut your hair when your heart is broken, people in the mirror draw people. She grew wings in the flames of death, and finally lost her broken body and took off...
But unfortunately, it seems that this artistic technique cannot be appreciated by European filmmakers, so at major European film festivals, this film The movie basically came home empty-handed. It's just that the charm of art cannot be proved by a few awards. Whether it's because of the charm of this legendary woman or the splendor of the movie, in a word, generations of moviegoers are like the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward, and no one can hide from this woman in this movie. of love.

Frida, like a carrier of a suffering hero's soul, shows the outside world a strange and most real inner world of people through disturbing painting expressions of the self-world. Her paintings shone with a fascination-like magical light, and like herself, she has always rejected fashion and always dressed in Mexican attire. She is like a Mexican colorful porcelain, with beautiful and lively decorations, with colorful and dazzling colors, but it is destined to be broken, but when it is broken, it flows out, but it is nectar.

January 18, 2006

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Extended Reading

Frida quotes

  • Frida Kahlo: [Carried in her bed, arriving at her exhibition in Mexico] Shut up Panzone. Who died? Where is the music? You see doctor, I followed your orders. I didn't leave my bed.

  • Frida Kahlo: [to Diego] I want you to burn this Judas of a body. I don't want to be buried. I've spent enough time lying down. Burn it.

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