Do we live to remember, or do we remember to live?

Bradford 2022-03-24 09:03:07

I don’t watch Korean dramas and Japanese dramas less often. Before watching it, I knew that they were good at sensationalism. For this reason, they must kill their parents in the play. , I also deeply despised this kind of film, but I was still successfully incited to cry, and I have to admit that this film does have its own uniqueness.

Regarding the plot, the reason why I have the urge to write something about this film is because the plot is not so good that people can guess the ending after seeing the beginning. Soo Jin grabs Cheol Soo's Coke, it's a cute clip of theirs From meeting and falling in love to getting married, they all jumped out of the traditional Korean drama format. It seems that everything went very smoothly. Cheol-soo even became an architect, whether it was for Soo-jin or not, which made their marriage more stable. Makes sense. It made me think they could live happily ever after, but I still knew exactly what was going to happen, which made their short-lived happiness even more sad. After changing from the tone of sadness, it is constant tears, whether it is them in the play or me outside the play. The ending is still very happy. Kai Zhezhu's sentence "I love you", although I had expected it, was still very moving, especially in the end, Xiuzhen hugged Zhezhu's neck and smiled brilliantly. People are happy, no matter what happens in the future, at least they can hug this minute, I like the name of the Hong Kong version very much, embrace this minute, live in the moment, have this minute of happiness, at least at this moment she still remembers you, that's enough . The advantage of an open ending is that you can let everyone associate it.

It's not the first time I've watched films about amnesia. "50 First Loves", "The Notebook of Love", including "Warm and Containing Light", whether it is due to accidents, illness, or subjective desire to delete memories, they all have the same thing in common. Explanation, true love, has nothing to do with memory. The movie is still warm enough to allow the protagonist to have true love without a memory, and it wants the audience to know that love can conquer everything. As long as you love deeply enough, your heart will bring you to him. The lyrics of a song say, "I've been in love so deeply that my body will doubt it." The moment you see him, your body will take you to him, and you don't need to think about it at all. People who are attracted to each other are still attracted to each other, regardless of memory. As Chuck said to Blair, If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back.

However, in real life these places last forever, a lifetime of love and love, but few of them even play with a lantern Hard to find. So Soo-jin said, reality is cruel, I don't know how many people in real life can be like Cheol-soo in the movie, or Henry and Noah, never give up on their lover, I only see many people choose to leave, even relatives. Therefore, they are lucky in the movie, and they are lucky to find them and can protect them for a lifetime.

The human brain is a magical organ, but a small part can play such a huge role and store such precious things. If you can delete a person from memory like in "Warm", would you like it? Willingness is just a whim. Who does not have some unbearable and tragic pasts, but it is these pasts that make up who we are now. If we can easily delete them, will we still be who we are?

Memory is a treasure given to us by God, it empowers us to love. It's really hard to imagine how one could live without such a thing as memory, every day is a new day, or is this also a joy? But in this way, there will no longer be deep and deep feelings. People have no feelings in this life, and they will live like dead bodies.

However, in the final analysis, the movie is to make us believe that the world is not so cold, and there is still warmth, so I also hold this view and hold a glimmer of hope waiting for my true love to appear.

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A Moment to Remember quotes

  • Su-jin: Forgiving... isn't that hard. It's just... giving away just one plain room in your heart. My grandpa said so. A true carpenter... is the one that can build a house in his heart. But in the house you've built. So well in your heart... You gave all the rooms away to your mother and to your hate. And where are you? And you're shivering outside the house. I understand. I know it's hard to forgive. But... My dad remembered that piece of wisdom... and forgave me when I almost ran off with a married man... and he permitted our marriage so easily. You know why? Forgiving... is giving your hate just a little room in your heart.

  • Su-jin: But I'm only 27. How could I be going senile?

    Doctor Lee: It's possible.

    Su-jin: So... What's going to happen to me?

    Doctor Lee: A mental death will come before a physical one. Better prepare yourself for what's inevitable. Medicine can slow it down. But that's about it.

    Su-jin: What about surgery?

    Doctor Lee: Do you work?

    Su-jin: Yes.

    Doctor Lee: You should quit right away. Soon you won't be able to type or answer the phone, let alone organize things. Pretty much nothing. You will forget your family, friends and even yourself. All your memories will disappear completely.