That's What I Am

Elenora 2022-09-17 10:57:36

Movies with such themes are always overflowing with love, and the plots are clichéd, whether inspirational or warm.

"Human Dignity+ Compassion= Peace" is so easy and simple in this formula. Dignity is the source of strength, and mercy is the voice of conscience. Just, why does it always feel so unreal. In my bones, I still firmly believe that human nature is endowed with the blessing of angels and the curse of demons at the same time, so these beautiful words always make me have a kind of "I know it's there, I want to catch it, I try hard, but my double The feet are always tangled by thorns, the people who go with them keep giving up, and it is so vague and vague. The voice of the devil begins to whisper in my ear, temptation, coercion, I begin to doubt, disappoint, or forget it, compromise Let's join forces, be like everyone else, don't be hypocritical, anyway, a person's persistence is so insignificant, what can change? Of course, I'm not degenerate, I'm not the villain who provoked trouble, I just watched indifferently , I just don't want to be different from others." feeling. So how I envy Big G for having a strong and compassionate heart, he has the courage to be himself, even if he is different, he can see at a glance "Those people who are different....Tolerance... it doesn't mean you have to like them, just let them alone...." I've always wondered why some people say so decisively "they're disgusting" based on first glance, based on clothing and accent, based on skin color, based on sexual orientation "It is sin" "You are inferior". Shouldn't the judgement of a person be respectable or not based on his honesty, kindness, integrity, loyalty, generosity, love, love of life, hard work.... Aren't these supposed to be about character and heart, not appearance and personal choices? Of course, for those who are different, there is always discomfort at first, and it is human insecurities at work. We have become accustomed to the common world, the same skin color, the same sexual orientation, the same values, we call it "normal", and abnormal people we call "weird". The stability and continuity of the homogeneous world depend on the broadest rules, and those "different, freak, geek" always seem like a threat of instability, because of the strange, because of the unrest, because of the uncontrollable, we are all disturbed, and we will all instinctively under the rules. exclusion. However, no one is asking you to like them, please be tolerant and allow them to be themselves, at least until you get to know them. Fortunately, today's world is more and more open, and we are more and more able to accept whimsy, unconventional, and even eccentric behavior.

The recent condemnation of Lv Liping's comments on homo is still fierce. In an environment like China that lacks strict religious beliefs, I have always believed that homosexuality is a personal choice and personal privacy, and it is about human rights. None of your business seems to be the best response. . Suddenly I understand why Mr. Simon stubbornly does not deny, admitting or denying is both compromise and blasphemy. Of course, if one believes in a religion whose teachings consider it a sin, it seems to be a dilemma, because which religion is also a personal freedom and a human rights issue. But I always feel that it should be reserved. I believe that any religion, regardless of the form of teachings and rules, is inherently connected, exquisitely carved, and promotes the great love of the world. I have always remembered the scene of the two men dancing together in "The Philadelphia Story", and every time I am full of emotion, the deep love in those eyes is full of tenderness and attachment. Love is the most primitive impulse, even God can't control it. The miraculous reaction, who added so many rules and regulations about what is a normal reaction and what is a sinful reaction?

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That's What I Am quotes

  • Norman Grunmeyer: If I had Big G's body, I'd have kicked Freel's ass! Then I'd have kicked Ricky Brown's ass just to cool down.

  • Mr. Clear: You know, it's funny, I... I've been watching you deliver your papers there and, uh... You've got a hell of an arm, by the way, kid.

    Andy Nichol: Thank you.

    Mr. Clear: But somehow you just seem to hit everybody's porch but mine. You got any theories on that?