This is the funniest manga I've ever seen

Alan 2022-12-06 15:13:18

I love Fairy Tail so much.
Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, the characters can't die no matter how they fight. In the fight against the bad guys, they will win no matter what.
But their bright spot is that no matter what, they have an optimistic, confident and enthusiastic heart.
Among them, Natsu and Hubby are my favorites.
Love that they always rant no matter what the situation.
It doesn't feel like watching a tense, terrifying fight.
And can face any setbacks and difficulties with a cheerful heart.
This is also an anime different from Naruto.
It's more human than Hokage. naturalize. Innocence. Happy.
I believe that Fairy Tail will surely surpass Hokage in the future! Although Hokage is pretty good too.

What I'm most uncomfortable with now is chasing animations every week, it's so uncomfortable.
It came out too slow. Tears run ~~~~~~~
. . . Let's see if you don't get fat.

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