Americans look great

Earl 2022-10-17 04:09:19

A huge luxury cruise ship is moving gracefully. There are countless men and women on the boat, dancing wildly, singing indulgently, and gambling wisely. Delicious wines and delicacies are presented horizontally, and handsome men and beautiful women drink to each other. It's a beautiful sight, a pleasure. At the peak moment, colorful ribbons spray out New Year's blessings.

At this time, the men and women who were immersed in the carnival did not expect that the God of Destiny was about to subvert their time and space... The cruise ship was attacked by a rare devil-like wave, and you will exhaust your imagination for the next thing... Collapse , fell, shattered, caught fire, flooded, screamed, called for help...

A few people stood out from the chaotic crowd: a brave bachelor, a mother and son, a pair of lovers, an old father, an old man abandoned by his wife, A brunette, a young crew. They tried to find an exit and a way to survive by their own efforts, so they launched a series of "breakthrough" operations that made people dazzled, dazzled and terrified... Sacrificed 3 people, and finally 6 people were left, and finally found the propeller exit, jumped Into the sea, climbed the rubber cutting, and in an instant, the cruise ship completely sank. And they floated, ushered in search and rescue helicopters...

The characters created by American movies are men who are brave, wise, and humorous. Women are charming, free and easy, persistent. This gives us the feeling that Americans are so charming and characterful. In contrast to our films, the characters shown are too ambiguous, too lacking in charm and character—in terms of those blockbusters that have gone out. For example, in "The Promise", which character is cute? For example, in Zhang Yimou's film, in addition to Qiu Ju's personality, except for an indispensable cuteness, there seems to be no charming character that makes us deeply impressed and has a long aftertaste. Let foreign audiences mistakenly think that we Chinese are all perverted, unhealthy and unclear.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.