in the collective name

Alvena 2022-03-26 09:01:06

It seems superfluous to say, because the word "collective" is really familiar to the Chinese people, and the neat and uniform organizational life has been in all aspects of life from the initial social-kindergarten period. , even when going to the toilet, you have to hold hands and go to the market together. How do you interpret the meaning of the collective to the Chinese people? Consciousness has long been ingrained.
For the idle, panicked, disorganized and undisciplined capitalist state, the attempt at collectivism became a necessary need after excessive freedom. The reason why "The Tide" is such a thought-provoking film is largely based on the uncontrollability of individual people in the face of the enormous power of the collective. The story comes from a real event in 1967. A high school history teacher named Ron Jones in California, USA, encouraged his students to organize into a class group similar to Hitler Youth, in order to explain to the students what is real of fascism. It's just a simulation, and no one is taking it seriously - is this really the case?

The collective conscious and unconscious
storyline is roughly on par with reality, except that the location has changed from the US to the more meaningful Germany, running it again in a country that once experienced Nazi rule. Will there be any human birds? How can history go backwards? The charismatic teacher Wengel involuntarily assumed the teaching of the "dictatorship" course, and on a whim, simulated the experiments of the Nazi group on a small scale in his own classroom, and the consequences of this Nazi training experiment , I am afraid it is far beyond the teacher's original idea.
One of the biggest highlights of the film is the collectivism of all beings. Any scheming and small abacus can be carried out under the guise of the collective, any humble person can also be sheltered under this signboard, and anyone who dares to violate the collective will will be resolute. And mercilessly give culling and exclusion. In just one week, by establishing authority, setting up "waves" of organization, unifying clothing and uniform movements—in short, by placing individuals in a defined collective to which they must be subordinated, Mr. This organizational style of uniformity and obedience to authority began to draw a line, exclude dissidents, and finally inevitably led to the prelude to autocracy.
"Discipline casts strength, unity casts strength", Teacher Wengel established preliminary groups from the unity of language to clothing, and what happened next is shocking: people in each group consciously maintain and accelerate This collective tendencies towards dictatorship. The girl Carlo is not unwilling to wear a uniform white shirt, but simply does not expect to be compelled to choose the only option and be collectively excluded. Even her little boyfriend was told to avoid contagion - collective, no room for privacy meaning. Personally, I think the image of the weak Tim in the movie is the most meaningful. The weak is eager to give him an irreplaceable virtual sense of security and glory under the tyranny of slavery. Because of this, at the end of this absurd experiment, the unexpected tragedy of Mr. Wengel and everyone present was based on the loss of control caused by the collective consciousness.
After reading "The Wave", I turned to the discussions of the young artists in various forums and found a very interesting phenomenon: everyone expressed that they hated the heroine Carlo, and the reason was the same as the crimes listed by the "Wave" organization in the movie. It was as if they had forgotten what kind of play they had just watched. This completely reflects the huge influence of the collective unconscious on people's thinking from another perspective. This kind of subconscious behavior is just like the people who participated in the "wave" group experiment, unknowingly went to the abyss of prejudice and extreme.

The excuse in the name of the collective is
very legitimate and seems very self-righteous. Society is a complex group, how to distinguish the relationship between people? The first and foremost is to establish different organizations. Race, creed, ideology, these are the means and ways of dividing different classes and organizations. However, once these methods are pushed to the unshakable position of the core, and a unique way of advertised is established by means of coercion and rigidity, the collective will be successfully created.
The second step is to draw boundaries. The reason why this person is in this group and not in that group is just because he holds a different point of view and he adheres to a unique way of life. Then, if this individual wishes to have his own opinion and desires to have some independent decision-making power to express his dissent, he will find that this is a great treason—the public consciousness and interests generated by the collective are not allowed to be questioned and changed. of.
If rejected and violated, the next step is to get out. After most of the humble individuals form a huge group, the illusory and powerful expansion is amazing. This sense of superiority is actually brought about by uniformity: because you are different, you have to draw a line from you. Because we are all one, we are going to expel you as a heretic; even, eventually, we are going to exterminate you.
This state can develop into an extremely dangerous situation. The recently hyped up highway car stop and rescue dog incident is a microcosm of a real-world application of the collective consciousness of the film. It is the extreme tendency caused by the collective consciousness of some volunteers and dog lovers in this incident. They - while ordinary people try to understand their love and moral high ground as much as possible - will gnash their teeth and hate their own kind simply because someone dares to go against their ideology and worldview, against their collective consciousness. This hatred is simply because others have not conformed to his personal will - and this personal will has been carefully groomed and polished to create the supreme collective consciousness. Those who oppose them are a challenge to that collective authority and cannot be tolerated. Precisely because of the protection of this collective, any necessary means can be used, which is enough to transcend any law and common sense, even if it develops into various extreme and even violent acts, it will be beautified under the banner of the collective consciousness that prides itself on being superior to others. A symbol of goodness.
Unity and normative thought-forms solidify huge organizations and develop collective consciousness, while each individual loses his ego in this frenzy of building blocks, merging it into a huge uncontrollable torrent. This fusion leads to blind obedience, and in this expansion of collective responsibility everyone finds an unprecedented sense of pride in belonging. As Mr. Wengel said in the final stage: "We think we are superior and better than others, we line up all those who oppose us outside this group, but we hurt them, and we don't know how serious it will happen. things.” This superiority motivates people to try to transform themselves into actions they think are superior to ordinary people, often accompanied by coercion—often a prelude to violence. The tragedies of history are repeated like this, and the people living in the present who think they have the truth forever do not know it.

"We pretend that this will only happen once at a certain time and place," said "Night and Fog," a 1955 documentary that is widely regarded as an outstanding exposure to Nazi atrocities. Individuals who think they are sane and sane tend to huddle together in groups. Consciousness is most prone to irrational and fanatical waves, and no matter how bright the meaning of this collective elaboration, the consequences of extremes and prejudice are exactly the same - the ultimate exclusion of the alien by violence, no matter what the name. Vuchek said, people, I love you. You must be vigilant.

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The Wave quotes

  • Rainer Wenger: Mr. Wieland!

    Dieter Wieland: Mr. Wenger.

    Rainer Wenger: About the project week...

    Dieter Wieland: Yes, and?

    Rainer Wenger: Can we switch? I got autocracy.

    Dieter Wieland: Alea iacta est. The die has been cast.

    Rainer Wenger: You know I wanted anarchy.

    Dieter Wieland: A little bit to much. The project week is about teaching the students the benefits of democracy. The making of Molotov Cocktails is a subject for chemistry. Have a nice day.

  • Dennis: What our generation lacks is a common goal that hold us together.

    Hängengebliebener: That's what it is like today. Look around you. You know what the most goggled thing is? Paris fucking Hilton!

    Dennis: [laughing] Oh, shit

    Hängengebliebener: It is true!