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Santino 2022-03-23 09:02:55

I am Yangliu, and the name comes from: "If you plant a flower without intention, it will not bloom, but if you plant a willow and willow into a forest". The name Yangliu sounds easy to make people have bad associations, but I think the name is not important, the important thing is the heart, the heart is clean, then the name is A cat, A dog or Yang Liu, what else? The difference.
I am a 25-year-old boy, floating in Beijing. The pace of life in Beijing is fast, so I quickly fell in love with light music. I like Bandari's music very much. The mind gets some balance.
Because of my wide range of hobbies, I love all aspects of my life, and if I could live long, I would use my time to divide my life into pieces and make them perfect and clear. The age of 25 is an age where dreams and reality are intertwined. The opposition between reality and dreams, and the contradiction between dreams and freedom, made me understand the meaning of willingness, and also realized that life and work can be well integrated. So walking in the park has become my greatest joy now. Every park in Beijing has a light green peaked cap, black jeans, and a slender young man. Every park has left countless footprints of me, because I love this tranquility. I like a simple life, I like to read some poetry, prose and some celebrity biographies in peace, and I also have a little vanity, hoping to become an enviable successful person. I hope to find a lady who likes tranquility and a little bit of vanity, and go for a walk in the park in the evening, all the way to the white head. I hope to find a woman who can combine career and life well, or a career that has already been completed. I have no age requirements, I don't mind whether there are children, I don't mind whether it is beautiful, as long as you are kind. At the same time, I hope you don't mind that I am a poor second generation.
My contact information: QQ: 1833505938

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Must Love Dogs quotes

  • [Jake and Sarah are trying to buy some condoms because neither of them had any; Jake returns from a store to the car]

    Jake: They're out!

    Sarah: How can they be out?

    Jake: I have a theory about this. Everyone in the city is having sex at the exact same time... except for us. But we will press on.

  • [first lines]

    Rebecca: The best place to meet a guy is at the supermarket. You don't need to waste a lot of time there, either. You see a guy holding a list, you know he's married. He's in the frozen food section carrying a small basket, he's single. I like to hang out by fruits and vegetables, there's a better chance of getting a guy who's healthy.