screenwriter of a great movie jerk

Orland 2022-03-23 09:02:58

I recently took a vacation at home and watched two Italian films - "I Am Love" and "Mussolini's Lover".
Because I used to work in an Italian company, when I heard the familiar yet unfamiliar Italian again and watched the familiar scenes in Milan, the film and my memories were intertwined.
The beauty and food of Italy called to me again, and the impulse in my heart could not be restrained.

The first half of the whole movie is beautiful and fascinating. But I was pissed when I watched the ending.

First of all, he designed the most crucial heroine as a Russian, and it is the Russians who cheated in the Italian family. Why? Because Russians are more interested in personal freedom and Italians are not? To make an inappropriate analogy, this is like a Japanese film, but the heroine who cheated is a Chinese. What do you think, the screenwriter?

Secondly, on the day when the heroine at the end of the film finished attending the funeral of her son who died unexpectedly due to her own reasons, ignoring her grief-stricken relatives, she ran out of the house like a prisoner who had regained her freedom, ignoring her daughter's call, Ignore my son's grief! Screenwriter, do you want to praise such a mother who built her happiness on the pain of her loved ones?

Third, having an affair with one of his son's best friends is unacceptable, even for good reasons. Let a son accept that his mother sleeps with his good friend while maintaining a marriage and cohabitation relationship with his father. I believe that no son's reaction is not angry and unforgivable. The screenwriter can write such a mother and not wake up in the end, and praise it, only to reprimand this person as a bastard.

Fourth, in the course of twenty years of marriage, it is a normal state for husband and wife to become indifferent. After the passion subsides, there is still family affection. The mother's affection for her husband, son and daughter disappeared in the process of family change, which makes I was surprised. My Italian colleagues say that many Italian men marry in their thirties because they have a very close relationship with their mothers. Italian men's dependence on their mothers and the mother's doting on their sons are not reflected in the film, which proves that the protagonist is Russian rather than Italian.

Fifth, the daily job is to take care of family members. When our children grow up and feel lost, what should we choose? The husband faces quality problems, funding problems, and sales problems in the factory. He is busy every day and ignores his wife. The wife enjoys her inner emptiness at home and goes out to find her passion. Wives should go to company management meetings to know what kind of pressure men are under.

After seeing the works of Master Chaplin again in the film "Mussolini's Lover", I feel that the reverence for the master comes from the inside. Why is there such a big difference between screenwriters and people?

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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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