You are my only one, I am one of yours

Dashawn 2022-03-23 09:02:45

Entertainment Index: ★★★
Profound Index: ★★☆
Moving Index: ★★☆
Creativity Index: ★★☆
Comprehensive Index: ★★★

Except for the faces of two beautiful classmates, there is basically nothing to watch, the film is narrating The rhythm is protracted, and the suspense creation is not up to the standard. At first, people doubted the identity of the second female lead, and then suspected homosexuality. As a result, it turned out to be the most common schizophrenia after a long time. It is probably the strong sense of loneliness and the desire for exclusiveness that led to the peculiar disease of the second female lead trying to occupy the female lead, but it also reflected the reality of the scarcity of true interpersonal relationships from the other side. I treat you very well, you should treat me very well, I only treat you well, and you should only have me in your eyes. As everyone knows, everyone in the world loves fishermen to cast their nets, and they only talk about one-third of the time when they meet. If you want others to be honest with you, put your heart into it, and have no other than you, how can it be possible? .

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The Roommate quotes

  • [Maria gets up]

    Rebecca Evans: Rebecca.

    [Rebecca turns around]

    Maria: We were never friends.

  • Rebecca Evans: Listen to me... all I ever wanted was to be your friend...

    Sara Matthews: Rebecca, I am your friend...

    Rebecca Evans: No, you're not!

    Sara Matthews: Yes I am...

    Rebecca Evans: No. You're not. We're here because you betrayed me.

    Sara Matthews: Rebecca, I'm your friend...

    Rebecca Evans: STOP! STOP SAYING THINGS YOU DON'T MEAN! I protected you! I protected you against that WHORE Tracy and that NASTY little kitten! That scum bag of a professor! Even that loser ex-boyfriend of yours!

    Sara Matthews: What did you do to him?

    Rebecca Evans: I got rid of them all for YOU!