Watching the fate of a star

Bernadette 2022-10-15 17:51:41

Anyone who has watched "Black Covenant" will understand what a sad word "meteor shower" is - for a life, the heaviest pain in the world is nothing more than dying with a longing for life, and here Behind the death, there is only use and deception - however, the shining stars have fallen like this.

This movie reminds me of "Fairy Melody". Humans are always so selfish and narrow-minded. In the face of unknown threats, in order to protect themselves, they would rather choose to slaughter aliens. Maybe it's just human instinct as an animal - the struggle for survival. However, when slaughtering, people are different from animals, and people's hearts will tremble, right?

When human beings used up the contractors and decided to eliminate them all, as a contractor, Li Shunsheng's choice was to resist and forgive. What he rebelled against was that dark organization; what he forgave was mankind. He did not destroy Tokyo, because the scenes of those people and things that happened there have been deeply engraved into his memory, and he could not give up the meager beauty, even if it was all caused by desire, violence and blood and tears Wrapped in layers. If Tokyo was destroyed, his heart would tremble. Regardless of whether the contractors are human or not, I believe that they are all flesh and blood with feelings.

Black, how will the future go? Bk201, I will keep watching the fate of this star and pray that it never falls.

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