While history leaves madness, it also gives screenwriters unlimited space for YY

Karl 2022-03-23 09:02:00

Because Cage watched this movie with two words, no matter if he was seriously delayed, he only made bad movies in order to pay off his debts... It was worth it to waste an hour and a half for him. The whole film is divided into four paragraphs: the

first paragraph highlights the background
from the characters' clothing and living environment at the beginning, it is obvious that this is a film about the Middle Ages. Inexplicable and chaotic wars, barbarism, religion, plagues, the crazy "crusade expeditions" in the European continent... In short, preconceived, limited to my historical common sense, all impressions about the Middle Ages are not so good. And the most unbearable among them is the chaos and madness of the "crusades", the madness of the whole people in Europe. And all this madness is just for a ridiculous reason - its own ignorance. Perhaps as a modern person, to make such an evaluation of the medieval people is to stand and talk without backache. However, I believe that, as a kind of sentient animal, as long as people are not ignorant and timid to a supreme state, they will understand what true belief is! Believing in Jesus is simple, learn to love everyone in the world like Jesus. A life full of affection and love is faith. Obviously, Uncle Cage plays a medieval knight who sees the truth, is loyal to his own feelings, and can feel love. After all kinds of killings, I decided to leave... At this point, the background has all been laid out, the Middle Ages, the chaotic era of crusades for religion! During the period of national madness, the history left to us is more of legends and blanks. YY space starts here!

The second paragraph of self-taught schizophrenics
took the witch on the road. From Cage's inexplicable glimpse of the heroine (ANNA) before departure, to the delivery of meals on the first night, and the various shaping of her heroic image in the itinerary on the first day. I guess, this must be a hero film! And it is a heroic film that transforms the heroine after various magical stories. Unfortunately, I guessed the ending but didn't guess the passage. In fact, because of this imagination, I have only one understanding of the various plots before arriving at the destination: the heroine has an extraordinary IQ, has a severe schizophrenia, and became a self-taught in the process of illness, becoming a hypnotized personality. Severely antisocial split personality! One death after another, all in their own desires!

The third turning point
Until the crowd reached the final destination of the "duel", Cage suggested that the demon was deliberately leading them to this place. My mind just returned to the theme of magic. Thanks to this twist, otherwise the whole show would only have one star. Cage's hero image began to grow taller again... Of course, in the end, the evil cannot prevail, the hero dies, justice is declared, and the heroine recovers!

The fourth paragraph looks forward to a bright future
"I want to hear their stories...I will tell their stories to everyone%" to the effect. The sky is blue and the grass is green, a piece of tranquility and peace.... This is the established ending mode of all hero films.

In conclusion, I think Roaring
is also medieval, because Lord of the Rings can be so good-looking, Uncle Cage, you are a bad movie again! ! ! ! ! ! ! There is wood, there is wood! ! ! ! ! How many bad movies can you sell at the box office with these few words? ? ? ? ? Isn't it, isn't it! ! ! ! ! ! Even wizard apprentices barely give three stars, but you only want to be given two stars! ! ! Another one star, dare you! ! ! dare! ! ! ! ! ! Disappointed, quite disappointed!
In fact, American films have nothing to do with the YY of the Middle Ages. Moreover, the play itself is so magical that the logic is not tight, and the plot progress is uneven. In the final decisive battle, the death of the big BOSS is too HIGH! Lack of convincing, top-heavy. Just like my review, it's a mess!

PS: Personal convulsions, purely expressing disappointment.....

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Extended Reading

Season of the Witch quotes

  • Kay: Honor is not a thing to be dismissed or forgotten.

  • [after Felson and Behmen are thrown into jail]

    Felson: What they do with deserters anyway?... Hang them?...

    [deeply in thoughts]

    Felson: Burn them?

    Behmen: Probably both.