sunshine in hand

Chandler 2022-03-23 09:03:32

I can't imagine the days of living in darkness, closing my eyes, losing color, losing my cognition and perception of things, and shrouded in huge panic and helplessness. However, Muhammad is such a blind child living in a dark world. His mother died early, and his father wanted to abandon him and start a new life. In such misfortune, a warm and old hand held him and gently stroking his traumatized heart, that was his loving grandmother. The young Muhammad was innocently hurt by his father's spiritual struggle again and again. God gave him a strong and kind heart to face all this. However, the poor blind child can really live in a loving and warm family environment. grow up in?

Looking at Muhammad's empty eyes, I couldn't see his heart, but when I saw him sitting alone on a bench waiting for his father to come, and seeing him groping his way through the woods, overcoming his fear of coming Speaking of the extremely difficult behavior, when I put the chicks that fell from the bird's nest back into the nest, I also saw the child's pure and beautiful heart. He climbed up the tree to find the bird's nest, and could tirelessly touch every branch, and then smiled happily because he found the bird's nest.

Muhammad has always used his hearing and touch to perceive the world, without the confusion in front of him. He is closer to life than we are, and he knows how to appreciate beauty and truth better. He learns knowledge with his hands, and he is also understanding the world. Even if he does not understand the color of sunlight, even if he does not understand the so-called "illumination" in the text, he is still integrating into this society. Sitting on the bus heading home, he stretched out his hand and said that he wanted to catch the wind. The seemingly innocent and childish behavior of a child seemed so poetic and moving. The sun was shaking brightly in his hand. In his unique way to feel the life we ​​have long forgotten. The wind, the temperature that blew through his hands still stayed in his hands. The water in the river did not cover his little hand, and he seemed to feel the life hidden in the water. He felt the growth of his sister, the old age of his grandmother, the growth of trees, the dense grass, and the flicking of the wheat fields. He stroked every leaf, communicated with them attentively, and felt their tenacious vitality.

Originally thought that such a child would not understand the thoughts of adults, and since he was a blind child, it was even more impossible for him to learn to observe words. But when he came to study at the home of a sculptor who was also blind, he wept and said, "No one loves me... They all left me because I was blind." If so, it turned out that he didn't care that he was blind, he knew that his father regarded him as a burden, and he also had a simple and pure wish-to read like a normal child. But, as he himself said: "It's like being on the other side of the world." Blind people will always be excluded and isolated, and no matter how hard they try, they may not be able to change this fact. He kept reaching out, wanting to feel the existence of God and tell him the secrets in his heart. It can be seen that little Mohammed has so much sorrow and helplessness in his heart that he cannot tell. Even with his grandmother's meticulous care and love, his father's determination forced him to face the cruel reality. Grandmother's love is the sunshine in Muhammad's hand. Even if you can't see it, you can really feel its warmth. At the end of the film, the sun shines on Muhammad's hand. He may feel the existence of God for the first time. The last time he stretches out his hand, he touches the love he wants - his father's final awakening. Maybe this ending is sad, but it is enough for this blind child who lacks fatherly love.

An old big hand, a tender little hand, when they touched in the sun, what happened? Of course it is love, love that cannot be expressed in words. Close your eyes, love without feeling lonely because of each other's presence. Muhammad's grandmother did her best to make up for the flaws in his heart, patiently explaining all his curiosity as a child, making him feel the beauty of life. For Muhammad, she quarreled with her son again and again. After his son sent Muhammad away, she dragged her aged body and ran away from home in the rain. In this world, if there is still one person who thinks Muhammad is better than his own If life is more important, that person must be his grandmother.

His father is a person who wants to be happy. From this point of view, he is not wrong, but he regards Muhammad as the fetter of his own rebirth. Muhammad's father is not a lazy person. On the contrary, he actively planned In his new life, Muhammad undoubtedly increased his burden. He was always on the edge of morality. His hesitation showed us that he still had a kind side in his heart. figure it out. The death of his mother and the repentance at the family of his betrothed brought him a series of blows. The man cried in the house where he was working, and he suffered so much that in the end he had nothing. In the end, Muhammad's falling into the water was the only and last time his father made up for him. Watching Muhammad fall into the swift water, he almost jumped into the water out of his father's instinct to save his son, even the branches that could save his life. Giving up and chasing after the son makes us begin to feel the greatness of the father's love.

Muhammad and his grandmother reminded me of Helen Keller with her teacher Sullivan. Sullivan carefully taught Helen to perceive every kind of life. There are so many beautiful things in this world that we should discover. We have a pair of eyes that can detect life and discover beauty, but we often ignore the beautiful and close things around us. Are blind people blind? Their hearts are not blind, and their hearts can communicate with anything in the world. Sometimes, we need to perceive the world with our hearts, not just with our eyes. Like "you are visible and invisible" mentioned at the beginning of the film, this can refer to anything. Maybe that's what director Majidi wants to tell us.

There are a lot of empty shots in the film, depicting beautiful natural scenery, lush forests, golden wheat fields, gurgling water, colorful flowers, and the peaceful and harmonious environment set off the cherished love between grandmother and Mohammed. Through Muhammad's ears, all kinds of crisp bird calls surround the audience's ears, allowing the audience to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery while having an immersive illusion, allowing the audience to integrate into the life there.

In the film, the grandmother runs away from home and picks up a small fish, which is like the abandoned Muhammad, who was brought out of the dark mud by such hands. At the end of the film, when the father is about to bring Muhammad home, a tortoise appears stuck in a crevice of the stone, which seems to herald an impending disaster. These subtle shots are the result of the director's successful use of metaphorical montage in the film. Different from the persistent father-son family relationship in "When Happiness Comes Knocking", this film emphasizes the tragic color of the characters, highlights the pure and beautiful side of the child, and looks at the father-son family relationship from another angle.

What color is heaven? Maybe little Muhammad would know that even though he can't see, he can still feel the colors of heaven like his grandmother's love. His hand trembled slightly, and when he felt the sunlight, it was also God's caress for him. At this moment, God really existed, Muhammad could finally put down all the burdens and follow God to leave, and finally, from The last ray of the father's love also shines on his hands

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.