Get naked in 30 seconds

Patsy 2022-04-19 08:01:03

"Take off in 30 seconds"
- after watching the movie "Valentine's Day" "Take
off in 30 seconds!" - is a line in the movie "Valentine's Day". On "Valentine's Day", there are only 30 seconds left, and there are no "undressed lovers" yet, so grab the time and enjoy it to the fullest.
"Valentine's Day" is indeed a very delicate day, it is not just a simple blessing of love. As director Marshall said: "It is true that some people think 'Valentine's Day' is the most beautiful day of the year, but others try to ignore the existence of this day - I think this also means that the same thing has arrived. In the eyes of different people, it is very likely that they represent completely opposite meanings. However, as for other festivals, there will not be such strong differences and contrasts. For example, take Christmas as an example. We decorate the Christmas tree and open presents together. Singing Christmas carols together, feeling the warmth and contentment of family. And on New Year's Eve, we ate a big meal, drank, and kissed each other when the o'clock came...all simple and clear However, "Valentine's Day" is full of ambiguous meanings and ambiguities. For anyone, this is a holiday that is difficult to define, because love itself has no rules and conclusions to follow. That's why we're able to tell a good story with this at the center."
The film describes 10 men and women living in Los Angeles, how to accept a baptism of romantic love in their own way. . . . . . The film focuses on all the things they went through on such a special day, their lives seem to be intertwined, intentionally and unintentionally, they are all people with huge differences, as for the only thing they have in common. The point is to fall into their own troubles at the same time, and then to experience the beauty of love again after constant pain and redemption. The small owner of the flower shop in Siena has had a wedding with the "erotic telephone operator" Liz. However, on Valentine's Day, they broke up. Soon, Liz and the little sportsman have a lightning acquaintance and fall in love. Just when they were dating, the young athlete was furious when he found out that Liz turned out to be a woman who was talking "yellow words". Later, after he went to see a movie at the Hollywood Cemetery Cinema, he re-accepted Liz, saying: "To love someone is to accept the whole of the other person." Liz's ex-boyfriend, the owner of a flower shop in Siena, and his good friend Julia "I married my best friend" and regained their love back. Before that, Julia had also been through an uproar when she had a one-night stand with the doctor the day before the episode. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and the doctor tells Julia that there is an important operation to do. Julia believed it. After the doctor left, the next day, Julia flew to the place where the doctor worked to give him a surprise. However, Julia found that the doctor had a wonderful family, and the whole family was preparing to celebrate a small celebration of 15 years of marriage. So, on the day of the celebration, Julia met the doctor including his wife as a waiter, and she left after saying a lot of "pig heart" for the first time. However, the doctor's youngest son, Edison (who was only ten years old), turned out to be her student. Little Edison admired his beautiful teacher and even sent her flowers on Valentine's Day. Mrs Edgar told Edgar that she had met her former lover one day after their marriage, and that day, when Edgar was not at home, she had "gone out". Edgar's wife and Edgar have been married for 30 years. Now Edgar is in his 70s. He (she) has been in love for decades. On Valentine's Day, Mrs. Edgar said Hide the secret of her heart. Old Edgar was very distressed. He couldn't understand anything. His wife, who had been in love with him for decades, told such a "lie" that he didn't want to hear. So, Edgar ran away in anger and went to the Hollywood Cemetery Cinema to watch a movie. Halfway through the movie, Mrs. Edgar wore the popular wedding ceremony of the year.
Towards the end of the film, the TV presenter interviews the lovers about what they've been through, and after they've experienced a love affair themselves, he yells at the lovers to "get naked!" At this moment, it is like the feeling of a 10-second countdown at zero o'clock in the Chinese New Year's Eve. He shouted loudly: "Lovers, quickly strip!" "Lovers, quickly strip!" At this time, several close-up shots of couples of men and women " stripping" appeared alternately in the movie screen. As for the understanding of this line, I think: it is not only physical, it has a mental "undressing" allegory.

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.