Disgust this helpless reality.

Domenick 2022-03-23 09:02:02

I spat on your grave.

Personal opinion is that the name of this movie is what the heroine thinks of.

By you, I mean those rapists. And I am the heroine herself. The death scene of the five perpetrators is extremely venue, that is, their graves. The death of these five perpetrators is exactly what happened to the heroine when she was tortured again. On the one hand, it shows how careful the heroine is, and on the other hand, it shows how profound these painful memories are in the heroine's heart. . To spurn this memory is the voice of the heroine.

What impresses me most about the whole film is the look in the heroine's eyes when she tells the police officer about the cute and innocent little girl in his family, a pair of slightly dull eyes with loss and yearning, or some jealousy and resentment. This is not for the heinous police officer, nor for himself in this situation. Yes and destiny, and an unjust society.

Before meeting the police officer, I believed that the heroine still had hope. She may still rely on this society, hoping that someone will complain for her, but what she did not expect is not only a void, but also the intensified harm and shame. So she understood that only by herself, and only by herself, could she achieve what she wanted and redeem her experience, so she chose this extremely bloody revenge.

There are only two words in my mind: helplessness. In fact, everything is out of helplessness, no dreams, no chastity, no dignity, no hope. So the heroine who can't see the future came to the future to carry out this revenge, just to give herself a little comfort, at least with her own ability, so that Bright Dazzling her people's blood debts were repaid.

When we crusade these rapists, when we praise the female protagonist's delicate and intelligent mind, and when we are talking tit-for-tat about the sovereignty of men and women, we should look at what caused all this after all.

This is a cannibalistic society. There has long been no fair era, and the weak without power are constantly interpreting the word "helpless" with their own experiences.

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I Spit on Your Grave quotes

  • Johnny: [Johnny is working at the gas station. He hears a bell ring from a customer; the customer is a young, attractive female with her back turned. He walks towards her] Morning. Hey, there! Can I fill you up?

    [the female patron suddenly turns around with a tire iron in her hand; it's Jennifer. She strikes Johnny with the iron bar and knocks him out]

  • Johnny: Matthew here says that you didn't pay him for fixing your sink!

    Jennifer: That's not true; he ran out!


    Jennifer: I'll take care of it.

    [Jennifer retrieves her purse to get money; all of the men chuckle at her]