You can't take Scotland out of me.

Douglas 2022-03-23 09:02:44

I really didn't expect The Illusionist to be so popular, always considered a niche movie.

At the premiere at the Edinburgh Festival last year, the French director came out and said a few words of thanks and made a few jokes, which of course were sternly covered up by his French Accent.
Even the French classmates around me turned their heads and asked me, "Is my accent so heavy when I first came to Edinburgh?"

This movie is more about Edinburgh, about Scotland, the shadow of Scotland can be found in every shot, in the streets and alleys inside, and now it can also be glimpsed in the streets of Edinburgh, the oldest department store - Jenners is still there Well, it's just that there is no magician in the window, but an advertisement for Chanel.

The meaning of this film to me is the same as what Scotland means to me. It is
more about love and a little pride. Although I am not a Scotsman and have nothing to be proud of, I see familiar corners in the film. Feels like hometown.

You can take me out of Scotland,
But you can never take Scotland out of me.

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