Animators are magicians

Hank 2022-03-23 09:02:44

Being a feature-length film, being able to outline a full story without the aid of dialogue is a feat in itself.
On the back of the successful interpretation, it reflects a huge project. This is due to the subtlety of the film. This delicacy permeates every background, foreground, or characters in every imperceptible movement and mesmerizing music.
I don’t know if it’s because the film focuses on the environment of Edinburgh. The French seem to have absorbed the cultural atmosphere of North Great Britain more this time. The French-style laziness is gradually covered by a kind of British elegance. One of the foundational elements of romanticism is still relying on the story itself to evaporate into every corner of the picture.
One of the highlights is the traditional hand-painting techniques inherited by the film. Compared with the Disney-style movement laws, the portrayal of the characters' movements in this film is restrained, which is suitable for expressing various subtle movements, such as the magician's implicit nodding and slow steps. After all, this is the only quality of animation as an art form that is difficult to replace by other mediums. The "action" in an excellent animation is not just a statement of the process of the character "moving". On top of this, the control over the rate, amplitude, exaggeration and degree of violation of the laws of physics can be reflected under the control of the animator. Emotional and rhythmic, it's a bit like a movie actor's performance. In general, the performances in live-action movies take a different path, expressing meaning beyond the action itself through the combination of "action" and "action" (a typical example of this is Wong Kar-wai's films, see the performance of the actors in the play).
So, animators are magicians. Going back to this film, the elements that touch the audience in this film, in addition to the story itself, most of the emotional rendering and atmosphere grasp are obtained by the animator's painting frame by frame. Therefore, the film has created an artistic value higher than the story (script) out of nothing, and this artistry is the backbone of the traditional hand-painted animation, which is a return, and another time for the high level of animation as an art form. Explore.
Suddenly I remembered the saying that "the top of the mountain is actually a face". I believe that this film has enough height to stand on the top of the mountain and guard this palace with the best animations in the past.

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