crazy heart, love life

Evangeline 2022-03-23 09:02:03

An uninhibited country music creator who has drifted all his life and been romantic all his life. In his twilight years, his music creation seems to have come to an end, record companies and the general public no longer listen to his music, his classics are being forgotten by the times, and his apprentices are being cheered. He began to indulge his life in sleep and wine. However, sleep may not be able to create temporary happiness, and spirits may not be able to drive away temporary pain... The film begins with such a decadent tone, accompanied by a dull guitar...
The second clue of the film appears: a fledgling The female reporter wanted to interview him. Although his fame is waning day by day, there will always be people who yearn for his legend. I feel very sad in this paragraph, quite the feeling of "The Last Emperor". Times are changing, and the feudal system is gradually declining. The stubborn feudal guards tried their best, but they were powerless to deceive the naive Pu Yi and resist the progressive ideas outside. To extend it, "The Last Emperor" is a movie with high movie value and historical value. From a movie point of view, the soundtrack of this movie is of course not mentioned. It is very royal and luxurious. However, in the music What is vaguely revealed is a kind of helplessness and decline; the film's portrayal of Puyi's psychology is also very delicate, and it vividly portrays Puyi as a flesh-and-blood person. He is a poor person who is eager to communicate with the outside world. His whole life was spent in loneliness and helplessness. The ending of the film is very thought-provoking. A director walks into the dragon chair that used to be just Puyi and introduces the last emperor of China to the tourists: "Aisin Gioro Puyi, the last emperor of China, was born in **** Years, died in **** years..." The movie came to an abrupt end. The director is reflecting a message to us that Puyi's life has changed tremendously, and this sentence is over. The director hopes that we really care about these people, these flesh-and-blood people...
Back to "Crazy Heart", at least he can use him The last bit of fame was exchanged for a small bottle of wine and got a few cheers at the bowling alley. Her appearance ignited his passion for music and life, and he no longer received guests sloppily or fell asleep in a chaotic home. He started to look squarely at his record company, his music career, his apprentices. He loves her, loves her son, he is willing to perform opening for his apprentice...
The film takes his apprentice, his lover and his experiences as the main line, and the change of his attitude towards life as the dark line, which is expressed through his music. Looking at his enthusiasm for life, we may be relieved, but we should see the crisis in it. Her son took a break with him at the bar, her son had to go to the toilet, after that he couldn't find her son, and finally the son was found, it was a credit to the time, he reconciled with her, but the difference between them There is an invisible barrier...
This ending is worth thinking about. It not only conforms to the character contradictions of the characters, but also shows the theme of the film to the audience. He is an uninhibited person, and he adapts to a life that is free from circumstances. His attitude towards life is unrestrained, which can be seen from the soundtrack of the movie. By the way, a song from this movie won an Oscar for Best Original Song, and the soundtrack to this movie is pretty good. Therefore, music, love, friendship, and family affection cannot restrain him. I'd much rather see him continue his unruly life like the ending. The life attitude reflected in the movie may not be suitable for everyone, but this kind of life can be very unrestrained and free, and its essence is the love of music, the love of life...

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Crazy Heart quotes

  • Bad Blake: I don't want to talk about Tommy.

    Jean Craddock: All right, what do you want to talk about?

    Bad Blake: I wanna talk about how bad you make this room look. I never noticed what a dump it was until you came in here.


    Bad Blake: . I haven't seen anybody blush in I don't know how long.

    Jean Craddock: I can't help it if my capillaries are close to the skin.

  • Bad Blake: Fucking bowling alley.