God loves the world - I read "The Color of Heaven"

Jordi 2022-03-23 09:03:32

Author: hosanna

, a man who lived in embarrassment couldn't think of abandoning his blind child, and sent him to the blind carpenter's house to be an apprentice with his loving grandmother on his back. Tong began to cry and said, "The teacher told me that God loves everyone. He loves blind people more, but no one loves me."

Iranian children's films always have a heavy beauty, they are good at using the purest heart to Touching on the most vulnerable parts of our hearts, like "Homecoming," "Who Knows Where My Friend's Home Is," "Little Shoes," and this "Color of Heaven."

There was an 18-year-old little sister next to me when I was watching. Her presence made me cry shyly and restrained, but when the blind child felt abandoned because he couldn't feel love, I was still very sad. But she never cried, and I knew she didn't understand—God is in life, and people who haven't experienced life won't understand God.

Countless people are questioning the fairness of God, but the facts have not changed a little bit. There are still some people who have suffered more misfortune than others, and there are still fruitless efforts and fruitless results.

We have no right to deny God's fraternity because of this, God loves everyone, but in different ways, some with happiness, some with pain, so we can say that he loves the blind more - thus giving them darkness.

Who says pain is not blessing? Who says darkness isn't enjoyment? Who says suffering is not joy? Perhaps our mistake is only to use worldly standards to measure all that God has bestowed, and to measure God’s breadth with our own narrow hearts. The result is that we bluntly divide all the grace that He has bestowed into blessings and disasters, and God’s way is wide enough. , it turned out that we just walked narrowly.

Even if you really use personal pain to blame God? Then this question will eventually retort our soul - it is all about sin, you and me and him, we are born sinful, and still accumulate mistakes in the process of life. Another faith group calls this "self-inflicted", but our souls, who are used to evading guilt and defending themselves, are rightly questioning God!

In Job's balance, his piety has been exchanged for all kinds of painful tests. He sadly asked God, and God just answered: "Where were you when I created the world?"

Yeah, when are we arrogant enough to be on an equal footing with God? Dare to question the God who gave us everything because of a little unsatisfied desire or regret or suffering?

But when a child who can't see the flowers and the sky cried out about the unfairness he suffered, I still felt my heart was torn apart. How could I comfort him? Tell him he can't see because God loves him? Tell him he was dumped because dad loves him? Tell him that the kind old grandmother he loved the most didn't protect him because the grandmother loved him? Or tell him that his pure soul was guilty, and that this sin gave him all his misery?

I can't say anything. I can only cry with him. If I have to express something, I think I can only tell him that no matter how heavy or bitter the love is, he believes that God loves him.

Is this cheating? Or just comfort?

The blind child's grandmother died of grief and illness, and the guilty father took the child home. On the way home, a flash flood broke out and the blind child was swept away by the rapids. His father also jumped into the rapids desperately to save him, but God still took him.

The only bright color of hope in the whole film is at the end. The camera stops on the silhouette of the crying father. The hand of the dead child who hangs weakly suddenly presents a sacred bright color, like the light of heaven, which is indescribable. The little hand moved, and then black subtitles were raised.

God's last favor makes us happy and moved, and makes us feel guilty for our small faith and resentment. I believe that the soul of this blind boy will also understand that God loves him and has never abandoned him, so he made him cry, so he gave him die.

When the naked eye cannot appreciate the color of heaven, it may flash in the refraction of tears.

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is ye faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting

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Extended Reading

The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.