love scattered in corners

Cara 2022-03-23 09:02:58

Love is scattered in every corner of the world, it's so good!
Seeing hope in sadness, it is always good to have hope!
The filming is delicate and tender, but at the end, I always feel that there is something missing. I can't say anything about it. There is also the suitcase in the back of the car. What's in it?
That familiar girl turned out to be in love with vampires in Twilight. This time, Xiao Nizi went out of her way and reborn, and noticed her makeup: decadent smoky makeup, little scars scattered on her cheeks, and dress, she completely subverted herself this time, which is amazing

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Welcome to the Rileys quotes

  • Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley: [answers phone] Hello?

    Mallory: Doug, I just got ripped off.

    Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley: What?

    Mallory: All my fucking money is gone and I'm gonna fucking kill this guy!

    Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley: Alright, calm down. Where are you?

    Mallory: I'm at the Aloha Motel. You don't know where it is.

  • Bondsman: You wanna know what she did?

    Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley: Yeah.

    Bondsman: She had an altercation with an unsatisfied customer. He's dropped the charges and they've shaved down the resisting arrest to disorderly conduct so everyone gets off cheap.

    [Doug pays Mallory's bail]

    Bondsman: Here's your receipt and my card. You're free to go.

    Douglas Lloyd 'Doug' Riley: Thank you.