Should it be called the law of attraction?

Grayson 2022-10-19 17:32:39

Although my major is philosophy, although I admit the materiality of things, I have never believed that idealism is wrong and materialism is king. From personal practical experience, sometimes idealism seems to be more dominant. Because individuals are always accustomed to the ego, and materialism should be more convincing in the world of the ego. When we are acting as comforters, we must use words of encouragement to temporarily defeat the cruelty of reality; when individuals are in a state of unease, we would rather hold an optimistic attitude to temporarily escape those unfavorable factors. At this time, we are idealists. But that's not to say that we should be encouraged to escape from reality and live in our own world of ideas, it's just that this idealistic state makes our hearts stronger, strong enough to fight something.

"The Secret", in my opinion, does have a mold of idealism. Therefore, people always have an extreme attitude towards this documentary and the corresponding book "Secret". Some people think that the so-called law of attraction in the documentary is just a synonym for obscenity. What is in the mind and what the body feels will attract what; Stupid enough to curse myself every day, so I vowed to think about the best in everything. As one of my professional class teachers said, nothing can be absolutely right or wrong; on the contrary, nothing can escape the positive and negative (yin-yang/contradiction) sides. It is true that "The Secret" is difficult to prove with completely rigorous logical thinking, but the theory it expounds is not unreasonable, it just needs to be verified.

It seems to me that the core concept in the documentary - the law of attraction and idealism is similar in effect, which is exactly what you think, what you desire, what you try to imagine, the possibility of what you will get. . The application of the Law of Attraction in medicine is an example that definitely deserves recognition. A person who has cancer, if he forgets about his condition and chooses to live with a good laugh, even an incurable disease like cancer may miraculously recover. In contrast, if you only get a little ailment, you will be unfounded. People who think they are going to die soon may also suffer from depression one after another... Stress is an important cause of all ailments. As for imagining that you have money, it does not mean madly seeking money, but it is only on paper, but trying to create a relationship between yourself and money. The existence of the relationship makes it possible to make money, and it also gives you the ability and confidence to make money. Analysed in this way, the Law of Attraction has transcended idealism in this sense, because the action required by its law itself is already a practice.

But that connection between what is wanted and what is obtained, I have not yet been able to articulate and believe with certainty. Imagining the feeling you already have is something not everyone can do. Also, how the matter of implementation is handed over to the entire universe, which I doubt. How to realize it is the key link in making a dream come true, but how the universe has the ability to do it for you is really unknown...

In short, it is worth affirming that the principle of happiness advocated by the law of attraction is very important to us no matter what. No side effects. At any time, we should be optimistic and think in a positive direction. At this point, what you're attracting is definitely not bad, I promise.

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The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.