Remember to wear a leather jacket when you're crazy

Tressa 2022-03-23 09:02:25

I'm addicted, my hair is getting greasy, my clothes are getting crazy, my behavior is getting crazy, my throat is getting restless, I want to say that I really like this movie, the songs in it are powerful, Hollywood, The Wild One, California Paradise, Queens Of Noise, I Wanna Be Where The Boys Are, CHERRY BOMB especially, the LIVE scene is my favorite scene, the two girls will definitely be compared, I like Joan Jett, from dressing to acting, Chris Ting Stewart looks more and more cool, she is almost in love with her, isn't she in love already! Especially the leather jacket I bought at the beginning, the Sex Pistols written on the homemade T-shirt, it is too good for my taste, think about that era, it was a crazy good era, the golden years, I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL alone is enough for me to go crazy at school It's been a few months, yes, since then I've been wearing my favorite pink leather jacket for a month, and October is really a good time for debauchery. Since I saw it, I took it out to review and review it every now and then. It has become a compulsory course for me. Later, I turned to the rock movies and watched them one by one. The worst ones will be intoxicated for a day or two. "Guitar", "The Door", "Velvet", "The Wall", rock and poetry, one day Can't leave!

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Extended Reading

The Runaways quotes

  • Cherie Currie: What is this?

    Sandy West: It ain't baby shampoo. I call it the dirty sink. A little bit of everything from my parent's liquor cabinet. Just a little, so they can't tell I'm dipping into their stash.

    Cherie Currie: My dad would notice - he likes his booze.

    Sandy West: Is he an alcoholic?

    Cherie Currie: No, he just likes it. He says that's the difference. He likes to drink, he doesn't need to drink.

    Sandy West: I like to drink.

    Joan Jett: The dirty sink is where we're gonna be puking that shit up tomorrow.

    Sandy West: Hey, Salt 'n' Pepper - race you down the hill.

    Joan Jett: You're fucking on.

  • Marie Currie: You know how many new bands think they're gonna make it?

    Cherie Currie: Kim thinks we got a real shot.

    Marie Currie: Kim Fowley? That guy's a total creep. Seriously, I heard he has a coat made out of dog fur.

    Cherie Currie: Well, excuse me if I don't wanna work at the Pup 'n' Fries for the rest of my life.