It's no big deal

Freida 2022-03-23 09:02:27

First of all, I think this kind of struggle only occurs between women, boys should know it! The struggle between women is terrifying! In fact, it doesn't mean that girls are petty or care about things, maybe it's just a nature. I have experienced similar things, so I understand the heroine's mood very well. , this feeling is a devastating disaster at all, and most of the time, the person who bullied you didn't take it seriously at all, but it affected you for a long time, the heroine is exactly like that, although her A successful career, but when Joanna shows up, those painful high school events come to me like a tide, and my dearest brother is going to marry the girl who ruined her high school career!
Later, the heroine worked hard to let her brother know her true face, but when everything went as she wished, she was not so happy. I loved the conversation they had sitting in front of the refrigerator, Joanna said, and it took me a long time to get rid of the me I used to be. I believe that she really wants to change. At this time, who will account for the mistakes she has made in the past? Open your heart and apologize well, in fact, you will find that it is no big deal, everything in the past is a cloud.
The heroine's mother, haha, I saw Jamie again. She seems to be a funny mother all the time. The reconciliation with Aunt Joanna in the swimming pool is also very interesting, and the grandma, haha, is actually the enemy, too funny. Come on.
Checking the heroine's information, I accidentally discovered that she was the voice of GG! What a surprise! I love that sound! Didn't hear it! In short, after seeing everything, it's not a big deal.

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You Again quotes

  • Georgia: Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo-coo-cachoo.

  • Marni: I got to admit, the first few rounds went to Joanna. She played some very good hands. Very good, but I'm glad. It made me realize that we have to take it a step up. Take it to a whole new level.

    Ben: Whoa. "We"? No, she's your arch nemesis. I'm not going to be part of your evil plan to bring down Joanna.

    Marni: I'll give you 20 bucks.

    Ben: Done.