Ten minutes of a lifetime - a song written by Li Jian for this film

Edmund 2022-03-23 09:03:09

Song : Li Keyword: Wang Haitao, I 'm on the long

way home The returning pigeon has cried and the village I kissed is waiting for me You know this heart has never gone far beyond the moment of hugs Promise me to live well after I leave This happiness is every second cruel and short ten minutes save it for a lifetime hug that Smile for a moment I will cherish this warm smile , every second of happiness slips away in a hurry The short ten minutes are stored for a lifetime I am on the long way away, Mom , don’t look at my back with tears , I wish I could touch you again Don't be sad on your face . Listen to me sing that song. Listen to me sing one last song for you - the lyrics have been written all the feelings. Audition address: http://www.xiami.com/song/378770

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Ballad of a Soldier quotes

  • Alyosha Skvortsov: Comrade General, instead of my decoration, could I go home to see my mother?