Give us an Italian feast

Braden 2022-03-25 09:01:09

I meant to recommend this movie, if only from the Eat part.
The reason is that the film has surprisingly changed my view of the Italian country and the Italian people. In this Ryan Murphy film, Italy is not only alive and fragrant, but also fresh and green.

The story starts from Liz, a milf who has struggled for many years in New York but encountered a midlife crisis, and settles in a family hotel in an old Italian building. At the beginning, let you see how calm the Italian old lady is. When Liz asked what to do if there was no bath water in the bathtub, they took out a small kettle and said: you use it, burn it 4, 5, 6 times That's enough.

But don't think it's because the old mother is in her 70s and 80s, and she is confused. This is the national character of Italy. You see, it's like a mirror in people's minds, and the reason for Liz's arrival is clear in one sentence: You American girls are here, not for spaghetti and Italian sausage (according to the context, my understanding of this sausage is naked Italian men) . Isn't that right? Looking at the Mediterranean region, which country's men dare to compare with Italian men. You are more blond and blue-eyed than him, and he is more affectionate than your eyes; you are taller and burlier than him, and he is more than his charming bronze-colored skin that has been cast along the Mediterranean Sea all the year round; if you are more golden than him Romance, he shows you that he will give her a tight hug and a sweet kiss when he is okay, accompany her to hang out on the street and brag about it without hesitation, and invite friends to have dinner parties at home, so that she never knows what it is to be bored, so The men all fled. In the original, the author's description of his Italian friends: altos, morenos,quapos y con esos enormes ojos castaños que tienen los italianos, ue parecen líquidos por el centro y que a mí me hacen perder el norte: tall, bronzed skin , handsome and with the characteristic maroon eyes of Italians, I lost my way in the middle of what seemed to be two permeable water vapors. ( ELIZABETH GILBERT, Eat, pray,love in Spanish, pp 16-17.)

Compared with the famous Roman monuments that flashed in the movie, what attracted me more was the game played by the sun on the streets of Rome in the camera. Those warm and soft lights make people feel very full and stable, just like Italy.

When Julia Robert said in the movie that she felt guilty because she came to Italy to do nothing, the Italians started giving her Italian philosophy lessons, which I think should be the philosophy of happiness. (Note: The name of the sweetheart who enjoys shaving while talking is actually empaquete, which means spaghetti.)

When he talks about Americans after a sleepless night of anxiety at work, Italians Go to the sun and say: I want to rest today. I'm mad, their highest philosophy is: enjoy life, the so-called ¨the sweetness of doing nothing,¨. Even though the Italian economy is sluggish, the entire country is outdated and backward, the unemployment rate remains high, and the national debt is so high that Italians have long become synonymous with idlers and lazy people in the mouths of the world, as evidenced by my limited 2 years of European experience. This is true, and even the term pigs is new to European populations (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain = pigs.)

But my insignificant experience of traveling through a small part of Italy tells me that I used to be in Italian On the body, I deeply feel their joy and enthusiasm from the bottom of their hearts. It's just that I didn't understand where happiness comes from in this shabby and inefficient country, and now I get the right answer: Italians may be the least realistic, but they are also the most realistic, they put their limited life Dedicated to enjoying life and making it even more enjoyable, this may be why Italian technology is not well known, but art, architecture, sports cars, fashion and food are famous all over the world.

However, it should be mentioned here that the real Italian food may not be copied elsewhere.

In Italy, as long as early spring comes, the dining tables are immediately moved to the open courtyard, lining the streets. Like in the movie, you go to a restaurant, it may be located in a small garden beside the street, with white tablecloths, neat meals, fallen leaves, a breeze, a slightly noisy atmosphere, and then you order , the colorful and odd shapes of the pasta on the menu catch your eye, and the waiter tries to explain to you how you choose the shape of the pasta and the sauce (if you are lucky enough to know Italian or the waiter understands English) , after ordering, he will send you a pile of freshly baked bread in a bamboo basket, there are long, round, thumb biscuits... usually with onions or olives baked together Roasted, I've seen it with cherry tomatoes in Sicily, all of which are fragrant, attractive and crispy. You can have them as an appetizer, but they often end up as a satiety because authentic Italian food is always cooked to order.

The hot pasta was served, and the thin pizza came to the table with a bulging posture, which was that the heat of the barbecue had not yet dissipated. We also see in the movie that the red wine is opened with a bang and then poured into a glass, at which time you have to wait a few seconds, in order to wait for its fragrance to be awakened, and the large plate of food is held on the large tray Come up, and in the process, the thin sunlight escaping from the shade of the tree above your head shines on them.

Forget where I read scientific studies that say that warm colors such as red are the most stimulating to people's appetite, so the most indispensable thing in Italian cuisine is red. Order a plate of tomato sauce pasta known to people all over the world, golden pasta like a harvest of rice, served with bright red and bright red fresh tomato sauce poured without hesitation by Italians, a little bit of chopped basil, and then, by You pick up the small wooden bottle with small pieces of Mozzarella cheese on the table, turn it twice, and watch the fragrant shredded cheese jump up on your pasta. Put in your mouth, noodles and sauces, they soothe your lips gently, then your teeth find the little minced meat, your tongue touches the fresh breath of egg yolks and wheat flour, and finally, you put them in satisfaction swallowed.

This is only part of it, when the movie evokes my sleeping taste buds and the Italian memory that never slept, but, what I once complained about: Italian trains are not as comfortable as the green cars of the 60s and 70s in China; whatever you do you have to endure The endless wait; being stuck in a small Italian town during the holidays because the bus drivers all go home to sleep and have fun (according to the movie I think it is quite possible to sleep with someone else's wife) The complaints and grievances disappeared, leaving only delicious pasta, and beautiful Italian sausage.

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Extended Reading

Eat Pray Love quotes

  • Sharon in Seva Office: [Liz has been called to the seva office] We're taking you off the floor-scrubbing team. There are about 50 devotees arriving tomorrow from all over the world for a 10-day retreat, and we'd like you to be the key hostess. We ask that you don't take part during the meditations. We need you to watch over the flock, make sure everyone is all right

    Sharon in Seva Office: [continues, as Liz remains silent] We call the person who does this job, "Little Suzy Cream Cheese." You need to be social and bubbly and smiling all the time.

    Liz Gilbert: [breaking into a big smile] Madam... I'm your girl!

  • [Last lines]

    Liz Gilbert: I decided on my word. "Attraversiamo"... It means: "Let's cross over".