We are all walking on the edge of life

Gail 2022-03-23 09:02:15

Why climb? Because the mountain is there.
Why save people? Because they need help.
Why live? Because you can die at any time.

The story itself is simple, just like the course of each of our lives, it is not complicated. Those so-called legends are bullshit. The real legend is the process, the details, the struggles in the process.
In the process of climbing, "who decides the life and death of others?"

Unlike other sports, rock climbing is a sport that keeps accumulating failures. Every time you challenge a new difficulty, you need to experience many failures, many falls, and then achieve a height. After going to a new height, you find that there are many, many more ahead.
Snow line climbing is even more challenging to the limit, challenging the physical limit, and even more challenging the limit of human beings to withstand failure. Accumulating height with failure is intuitive and fair.
Extreme failure is death. Only after experiencing the brink of death can you appreciate that every moment of life is so precious. Anytime, really any time, life can end suddenly.

When we walk through the edge of life, we will find that it is good to be alive. If life can let more people know what you've been through, it's earned.

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Vertical Limit quotes

  • Skip: How about it Mal? You and Cyril have been up there before.

    Malcolm Bench: No. I mean why would we want to leave this place?

    Cyril Bench: Luxurious accomodation. Fine cuisine.

    Malcolm Bench: Sultry weather. Frostbite's off my dick.

    Cyril Bench: I reckon we should wait until they chuck in a ski lift.

    Malcolm Bench: Good idea. Imagine coming to the Himalayas and actually having to do some climbing. Especially when you have to complete your autobiography.

    Cyril Bench: And rustle up those all important endorsements. You wankers! What's bloody wrong with you?

    Cyril BenchMalcolm Bench: We're in.

  • Cyril Bench: That's a bloody great idea. Smoking next to the nitro. Although, bro and I always hoped that you'd blow us.