Everything is just for getting closer to you!

Lesly 2022-03-23 09:03:20

I don't know if this film has passed the censorship and allowed it to be released in China. It has been 4 years since I watched it.
What I didn't expect was that Tatu was so beautiful.
The color of the young lady in China is not clean. When you mention it, you will think of a decadent, flirtatious, and sloppy woman image, but Tatu is shrewd and pure, capable and naive.
The beauty of French women is here, which cannot be covered by the big breasts and lips of American sweethearts.
They have black hair, they have sharp eyebrows, and all they need is a red lipstick to make them shine.
Well, no matter how beautiful and elegant French women are, they will still be young ladies.
But the background of the story is not to arrange a destitute woman in a messy, dirty alleyway, where she sells, where she falls, where she is rewarded at a low price, where she resents her childhood, hates this society, and All men are desperate, but there is a trace of pure feelings in their hearts.
These are not explained, so that people feel that being a courtesan is like Ilana's innate nature, not inferior, not regretful, not decadent, often feeling that what she is currently is not good enough, there will be better, curiosity will make morality The scale was temporarily forgotten, so we tolerated her, we wanted to look down, and always felt that we would explain and give us the answer to this extravagant woman.
No, she intensified, she ate in the bowl and looked in the pot, the male protagonist appeared at this time, we put a sympathy and worried about the embarrassing situation of the poor boy, did you take out that one euro to buy 10 For a second, my nose was a little sour.
This coin is probably the only hypocritical point of this film. We don't seem to have expected this to be a light comedy. The actor who seems to be upright did not refuse to be a male pet. Were you shocked at that time?
I have, what is this for? Forgot the little umbrella? Is the affectionate look that silently stares at that woman's coquettish behavior fake? Don't have a job in a hotel? I thought he fell and there will be a lot of tragic moaning scenes to follow.
No, it's just that he is close to the one he loves. Love will make people imitate and make people crazy. Dressing well is very important, because he has not forgotten love, which is his original purpose.

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Priceless quotes

  • Jean: Referring to the expensive watch Madeleine has bought for him: "That's not a watch. It's a treasure chest." In French "C'est pas un montre. C'est un coffre."

  • Irène: I love Italian food. You don't expect much, so you can never be disappointed.