Movies to watch, but not recommended

Timmy 2022-06-27 22:50:09

I haven't read the original, but I believe the original is better than the movie, because it has become a law that the movie cannot surpass the original.
The author of the original book is a woman, and the story of King Arthur's era is narrated from the perspective of Morgan, the heir to the sacrifice of the goddess of the lake, so the film is filled with women's sadness and sorrow. The first third of the film is a fatalistic argument, one of the three in the middle is full of accidental arguments, and the last third is an ancient Greek-style patriarchal tragedy. From start to finish, you're not watching a movie, as if you were slowly drinking a bitter drink. Don't watch it when you're in a bad mood, it makes people feel bad~~

I never like that when I watch a movie, characters are always influenced by emotions. Although I admit that human beings are emotional animals, in addition to emotions, people also have responsibilities. Undoubtedly, the emotions of this film are the main line of the development of the story. The emotions of the main characters are intertwined like a spider web, and their respective responsibilities and obligations have disappeared, so I give them three stars. All in all, the movie is good to watch, but not recommended.

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Extended Reading

The Mists of Avalon quotes

  • Gwenhwyfar: There are herbs... that can make a woman conceive, are there not?

    Morgaine: Is that what you want?

    Gwenhwyfar: Please, do not make this harder than it already is.

    Morgaine: There is a charm that is sometimes used. But you surely would never touch it.

    Gwenhwyfar: Tell me, that you are not a witch. Tell me it is not the Devil's own spell. And that I will not burn for it. This time, this one time, I will believe you.

  • Lancelot: The King himself asked me into his bed, with the Queen.

    Morgaine: All *three* of you?