Lookable, though not prettier

Ron 2022-03-24 09:01:59

I seem to have heard of this novel. The ending seems a little different. But the idea has not changed.
In short, after reading it, I will neither be particularly moved nor obviously disappointed.

There are things to see - beautiful, kind, warm, passionate and vulnerable people, and the whole process of searching for self-redemption.

I feel very good. Regardless of whether the film is good or bad, as a girl, I personally feel that every girl should watch it again.

The most interesting thing to see is the charm of this confused girl.

Why is she charming? Although she is very sensitive and unreliable. However, she actively tortured her heart, and she faced her heart without any stubbornness or let go of the slightest reluctance. Really attractive.

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Extended Reading

Eat Pray Love quotes

  • Sharon in Seva Office: [Liz has been called to the seva office] We're taking you off the floor-scrubbing team. There are about 50 devotees arriving tomorrow from all over the world for a 10-day retreat, and we'd like you to be the key hostess. We ask that you don't take part during the meditations. We need you to watch over the flock, make sure everyone is all right

    Sharon in Seva Office: [continues, as Liz remains silent] We call the person who does this job, "Little Suzy Cream Cheese." You need to be social and bubbly and smiling all the time.

    Liz Gilbert: [breaking into a big smile] Madam... I'm your girl!

  • [Last lines]

    Liz Gilbert: I decided on my word. "Attraversiamo"... It means: "Let's cross over".