black and white gray

Marta 2022-03-24 09:02:23

A gloomy young man who kept his eyes open, married his girlfriend early, got pregnant and had a child, found a job where he could stay in a daze and didn't do anything, and unconsciously formed a popular band; later, it was like the development model of every little man's story. , The young man is complacent and thinks that he can be a mistress when he is popular, but he is not as shameless as a little man should be, and hangs himself fragilely on the drying rack in his kitchen. Of course it would be unfair to criticize the protagonist of this story harshly, especially when we all love his music so much; but if we really want to see his story as a pessimism, a black myth, I would But selfishly thought that it would be more appropriate to say that it is a story filled with smoke.

Whether it's the two official studio pieces "Unknown Pleasure" and "Closer", or the relics like "Still", "Substance" and "Heart And Soul", the colors I hear from Joy Divison's music are not. Not just black tracks like "Day Of The Lords", "New Dawn Fades" and "Eternal", but also white tracks like "Decades", "Shadow Play" and "Atmosphere" and "Atmosphere" which were not included in either album Ceremony>. The biographical film "Control" is based on the story of Ian Curtis. The film director Anton Corbijn is a loyal fan of Joy Division. During the filming process, in addition to referring to "Touching From A Distance" written by his widow Deborah Curts, it was adapted and invited. Deborah Curts and Factory label founder Tony Wilson participated in the production; such an adaptation is destined to be more faithful and pleasing than the similar work "24 Hours Party People"; how to remove the loyalty of the film to please a lot of fans, another highlight of the film movie It is his black-and-white shooting technique, which just shows Joy Divison's ambiguous position hidden in the black and white, above the gray area.

I am glad that Ian Curtis is not overly retouched in "Control". The protagonist is played by Sam Riley, the lead singer of The Fall in "24 Hours Party People". The film opens with Ian dangling around in a coat with Hate engraved on the back, recreating the days when British punk was popular in the 1980s; and Watching Ian draw crooked eyeliner for himself in the mirror, and when David Bowie was popular, that is, when Glam rock was in the ascendant; these rock people and things that were so hot at the time were all left on Ian. trace. After all, he was only a young man in his twenties at that time. He may have married a little earlier than his contemporaries, but he was not necessarily a maverick. He died only because of epilepsy and suicide. In the end, Ian's image has been darkened and mythicalized; and according to the other members of Joy Division, Ian often makes some bad jokes such as ejaculating into the ashtray when he gets along with them, maybe we have been Ian all the time. The deep double pupil deceived him. The real him may be more like the ordinary young man who likes rock music we usually see. He is the lead singer of the band who has hope for life and the future.

However, an ordinary person can still have a moment of destruction of his world, especially for a lead singer who is on his way to a rock star. When Ian stepped into the moment of tragedy, when he saw "She Lost Control" written by a patient with epilepsy, and later found out that he was also a patient, the curtain of the theater of tragedy had been quietly opened. Ian had to take medicine to control his condition, but the effect of the medicine made him extremely irritable and unable to cope with the increasing performances. At that time, his spirit was gradually declining. I don't know who was joking, but at this time, he met Annik Honore, his extramarital lover, who was in decline; this relationship made his mood brighter. One of the most memorable scenes in the movie is Ian and Annik Honore kissing in the rain, and the camera cuts back to Joy Division having a seizure while singing Dead Souls on stage. This scene is alluding to Annik Honore as the main reason for Ian's subsequent breakdown, suggesting that it was a relationship that led to his death.

The follow-up development is believed to be clear to all fans. After the tour, the increasingly frail Ian and his wife became more and more rigid because of their extramarital affairs. Before heading to the U.S. to perform, Ian stayed home alone, hanging himself on a hanger while Iggy Pop's "The Idiot" was still playing on the record player. Whether as a pure movie watcher or as a music fan of Joy Division, like most of you who liked and commented on this film, I think that the slow release of "Atmosphere" at the end of the film is the best part of the whole film. The touching moment can best express the helplessness of the character.

If you insist that he inherits the punk concept of "Too fast to live, too young to die.", I can understand; however, what I prefer to believe is that it is just a fragile death method for ordinary people when they face collapse. There is no sensational death like the heavy metal star's death from alcoholism or drug overdose, nor the spectacle of a shotgun shot and a head blossoming like a junior Kurt Cobain, Ian silently walks to the kitchen and maintains the slow and silent death on the drying rack. Process; ordinary, but moving. And just as his wife found out that Ian was dead, and the scream accompanied by "Atmosphere" sounded, the camera swept over everyone; reflecting the helpless expression of Deborah Curts holding the child, the other members of the band looked unspeakable. Lost, and finally stopped after passing a neem building, the camera reflected the black smoke blown from the chimney of the building, slowly rising into the white sky, and finally becoming a string of gray clouds lingering above the sky. I looked at this scene before the movie was included in the crew list, and I seemed to see that the director used this final scene and the dark colors in the picture to perform another performance for Ian, a musician everyone loves. mourning ceremony.

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Extended Reading

Control quotes

  • Ian Curtis: I don't want to be in the band anymore. Unknown Pleasures was it. I was happy. I never meant for it to grow like this. When I'm up there, singing they don't understand how much I give and how it affects me. Now they want more. They expect me to give more. And I don't know if I can. It's like it's not happening to me, but... someone pretending to be me, someone dressed in my skin. Now we're going to America. I have no control anymore. I don't know what to do.

  • Ian Curtis: I struggle between what I know is right in my own mind, and some warped truthfulness as seen through other people's eyes who have no heart, and can't see the difference anyway.

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