The problem isn't race, it's survival

Krystal 2022-03-23 09:03:11

It makes me sad to see that there are so many numb comments. As Mr. Lu Xun once wrote in his article, those who watch the death penalty and grab blood and steamed buns to eat. In fact, race is not important in the movie, what is important is the survival that no matter who has to face. Both races were once strong, and they were both obsessed with fighting. The result was the reality that neither race could escape, that is, survival. Because of the fighting, the existence of the race might even be destroyed. Innocent lives are fighting and innocent dying. The behavior of the male host is not to betray his own race, but to fight against the war, thereby saving all lives, including his family, his countrymen, and many people who have nothing to do with him.

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Battle for Terra quotes

  • General Hemmer: [Sarcastically, on the terraforming machine, which will infuse Terra with oxygen in just seven days] Very biblical, don't you think?

  • Mala: Together... forever... in life.