After watching it, I was very hurt because it was so cute~

Ryley 2022-03-23 09:03:29

In fact, I hadn't even heard Nagisa Oshima's name before, so I went all out for David Bowie. I glanced at the introduction of the video and thought it was suitable for a rotten girl like me. Then I found the piano performance of "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence". It was cute at the time. , so I saw a few screenshots, Jack's own family, Noi, and the two that cut my hair. I was really touched. I was captured by sadness, and I didn't dare to watch this film. Later, I couldn't resist the temptation. , or download it and watch it, I just want to say, I am too cute Sakamoto Ryuichi, I am going to suffer internal injuries again. At first, I thought that the Dutchman who was harassed by the Korean guards was David Bowie when he was young, but he always felt that something was wrong. When he was hesitating, he had already appeared in front of me. In the trial court, light blue A pair of bright eyes, tall and slender, with fair skin and bright eyes, what I have to say is his blond hair, which may be the first place where Yonoi was attracted to him, because according to the original book: he was wearing a tattered camouflage uniform , The long hair is messy, but for people who are used to seeing bald heads, they can't help but think that this is very cute. It is said that David Bob was in his 30s at that time. If you look closely, you can see it, but it is still quite beautiful. The camera panned to Captain Yonoi. Those eyes were narrowed, slightly confused and startled. Could the flickering light reveal love at first sight? Jack noticed this too, he glanced at Yonoi, then looked straight ahead. At this time, Yonoi was already in chaos. When he asked Jack a question, the first sentence was Hamlettree's: "to be or not to be, that is the question" (To live or to die, that is the question) Jack's expression is a little puzzled, I think that is Yonoi trying to be friendly to Jack, because Jack is British and Shakespeare is the most famous British writer. The questioning and rhetoric of Yonoi were all trying to help Jack. Until the execution was executed, the soldiers fired empty bullets. Yonoi appeared behind Jack, indicating that he wanted to rescue him, but it was also possible that it was an accident. For other reasons, like taking advantage of him, or just appreciating his bravery and indomitableness. When Jack was taken to the prison camp, he fell weak and fell to the ground. Yonoi ordered him to be healed, and specially told Lawrence to take good care of him. During the period, he also asked Lawrence about Jack, and Jack was indeed a very brave man, "You Why do you care so much about Jack?" Lawrence couldn't help asking him, but he bit his lip and said nothing. At night, Yonoi took the doctor and the orderly to visit Jack. He stood far away and showed concern for Jack. If everyone else disappeared at this moment, Yoyo could approach him and look at his face silently. How nice. Watching him tell the doctor "to cure him, let him recover quickly", That uncomfortable look made it even more unpredictable to others. According to the description of the original book, the situation at that time was as follows: every time I went to the headquarters to report, Yonoi would inevitably ask him every day, which had become his habit when he saw him. As the commander of a prisoner of war shelter, it is unheard of for a prisoner of war to care so much, so I was very impressed. Especially after listening to the doctor's report, my confusion deepened. He stood at the door of the ward, and his eyes were not looking at anything other than the direction in which the "Sweeper" was sleeping, he just stared at the "Sweeper". The Australian doctor doesn't comment on this - but it says what he wants to say. He also added: "It's unpleasant, it makes people feel unhealthy." To say this is strange, but also because Yonoi, although he is very concerned about the "shooter", never speaks to him directly. He just stood there and ordered the doctor in charge to say, "Cure the officer over there!" and add the impressive Malay language: "Rakas! Hurry up!" It had to remind me of "The furthest distance in the world". When Jack woke up, Lawrence came to chat with him. He asked Lawrence, "Is that the shout from Captain Yonoi?" Then he said, "Maybe he has something in his heart. If he has something in his heart, why didn't he say it?" Lawrence replied He said: "Since you came here, that guy has been wild. "Hehe, it makes people YY, is Shi Yejing trying to show his military might in front of Jack? And the execution of the Koreans later, he named Jack to participate, I can't think of any other reason to explain his behavior Yes. Jack said, though, "Maybe he's two grasshoppers on the same rope as me. "This sentence really puzzled me. Lawrence was very puzzled about Yonoi's behavior of letting Jack go, but the answer he got from the original book was: "Probably thought I was good-looking, so he let me go." "When it was time to fast, Jack went to pick a lot of safflower, and stole food, and sang with everyone to mourn the dead. He boosted everyone's morale and really had the charisma of a leader. Yonoi came with a search party. During the rounds, the soldiers caught the leader Jack, "Who do you think you are? Are you an evil spirit? Jack was not afraid at all. He ate a red flower in front of Yonoi and threw the stem away, despising his military might. Yonoi was obviously angry, his cheeks shrank, and he ordered him to be imprisoned. At night, the orderly ran away. When I went to the confinement room, I learned from the guards that the captain came to visit Jack every night. I couldn't help but feel more resentful in my heart. I killed the guards, entered the confinement room, and waited for an opportunity to kill Jack, but Jack quickly subdued him. Later, after saving Lawrence, he met Yonoi. The former sergeant wanted to kill Jack with one shot, but was stopped by Yonoi. Lawrence said a meaningful sentence: "Jack, I think he has some ambiguous feelings for you. . " The orderly explained his actions, saying, "That man is the devil, and he will destroy your soul!" "This can explain the kind of eyes he looked at Yonoi secretly when Jack was eating flowers. In his heart, Yonoi was like a god. He feared him, paid attention to him, and noticed his frown and smile. , With every move, he knew that Yonoi's heart had changed. It was all because of Jack. He didn't want the god he worshipped to be destroyed. He was willing to sacrifice his life to protect him and wake him up, but the goal was not achieved. The Japanese are naturally very demanding of beauty, and I understand the behavior of the orderly. Skip the little dots in the middle and go directly to the big playground to gather. Yonoi ordered all the prisoners, including the wounded and sick, not to be absent. Naturally, Jack is here. , he saw Yonoi's majestic appearance, he couldn't help but say: " Why? What is he doing? what have you done? ! you kissed me? ! In front of everyone, when I was about to show my military might, you kissed me? ! You know how obscurely I love you, watching you silently, never wanting to get close to you, and tell you my heart! Yes, I fell in love with you at first sight, I saved you, I went to visit you who was hurt, I don't know why I did these things, but it became clear to me at the moment, I love you, I love you very much! You kissed me like this, you must have seen through all my thoughts, my soul was suddenly exposed in front of everyone, and I was about to collapse! Your firm gaze, it shoots at me, who is completely powerless, I don't know if it's a humiliation or a confession, I'm stunned! I really want to kill you and end you with a knife, but I... I have no ability, because I Only the ability to love you. I collapsed in shame and excitement, my limbs were limp, and I was completely subdued by you. Well, okay, Y is enough, let's continue. After that, Yonoi was transferred away, Jack was sentenced to death and was to be buried alive. That night, Yonoi appeared in the dark, he quietly walked to Jack's head, took out a razor, and carefully cut off a strand of his blond hair. And wrap it up, and finally say goodbye to Jack with a solemn military salute. Years later, the situation of the battle changed. The former was captured by the British army. On the eve of the execution, Lawrence chatted with him about Yonoi and Jack. He said that when Yonoi was in custody, he handed the blond hair to him and let him in a Japanese shrine. Jack's death planted a seed in Yonoi's heart. At the end of the film, Yuan said to Lawrence the heartwarming words like a child: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence." I have no ability because I only have the ability to love you. I collapsed in shame and excitement, my limbs were limp, and I was completely subdued by you. Well, okay, Y is enough, let's continue. After that, Yonoi was transferred away, Jack was sentenced to death and was to be buried alive. That night, Yonoi appeared in the dark, he quietly walked to Jack's head, took out a razor, and carefully cut off a strand of his blond hair. And wrap it up, and finally say goodbye to Jack with a solemn military salute. Years later, the situation of the battle changed. The former was captured by the British army. On the eve of the execution, Lawrence chatted with him about Yonoi and Jack. He said that when Yonoi was in custody, he handed the blond hair to him and let him in a Japanese shrine. Jack's death planted a seed in Yonoi's heart. At the end of the film, Yuan said to Lawrence the heartwarming words like a child: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence." I have no ability because I only have the ability to love you. I collapsed in shame and excitement, my limbs were limp, and I was completely subdued by you. Well, okay, Y is enough, let's continue. After that, Yonoi was transferred away, Jack was sentenced to death and was to be buried alive. That night, Yonoi appeared in the dark, he quietly walked to Jack's head, took out a razor, and carefully cut off a strand of his blond hair. And wrap it up, and finally say goodbye to Jack with a solemn military salute. Years later, the situation of the battle changed. The former was captured by the British army. On the eve of the execution, Lawrence chatted with him about Yonoi and Jack. He said that when Yonoi was in custody, he handed the blond hair to him and let him in a Japanese shrine. Jack's death planted a seed in Yonoi's heart. At the end of the film, Yuan said to Lawrence the heartwarming words like a child: "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence."

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Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.