It's still a cartoon for little friends

Isac 2022-03-23 09:03:11

Catch a few bugs
. If human beings are indeed going to be wiped out, then the general's decision is correct. But in the end, there was no high-tech in the reunion. Either the people on the starship were too stupid, or the general was too foolish, and Zhao Benshan was the whole.
The Tara people are too powerful in combat. They are completely mighty divisions who can fight and win. Human troops have been militarily trained since childhood. Are the Tara people a real fighting race? In fact, they are called Saiyans?
It will not work to fool the people by "abstaining from the saints and abandoning the wisdom". No matter what noble excuses you have, trying to stop progress is going to be suffocated. Religious ignorance of the people will end sooner or later. The Tara seem to enjoy peace in complete ignorance, but after this war, can they still be at peace? Anyway, I don’t believe
it. In fact, as mentioned above, humans already have the ability to colonize and transform planets. Technically, they should not be completely obsessed with a Tara star – a satellite that looks like a gas planet. In addition, while advocating environmental protection, it is also a bit unreliable that the earth is doomed because of the interstellar war with Venus and Mars, and the independence of the colonies cannot keep up with the excitement of the United States and the Soviet Union. No matter how stupid it is, it still has a bit of IQ, and why do science fiction films always think that interstellar colonies are What about the Great Discovery Period? Interstellar colonization is likely to be something similar to the current western development. It is very likely that profit is the goal of the pioneers of interstellar colonization.
Of course, it is not bad for little friends to see, lively, beautiful, and there is a happy ending.

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Battle for Terra quotes

  • General Hemmer: [Sarcastically, on the terraforming machine, which will infuse Terra with oxygen in just seven days] Very biblical, don't you think?

  • Mala: Together... forever... in life.